CS 325 - Week 11 Labs - 9:00 am lab - 2021-11-05

*   Announcements/Prep for next class
*   prep for lab exercise
*   Week 11 Lab Exercise

*   Homework 8 is due 11:59 pm tonight

*   watch for class emails as parts of Homework 9 become available

*   You should be working on converting your project model draft into
    a project design draft (due November 19th)

*   Remember to register when your window opens, probably sometime next
    week; (and see your advisor if you have not, yet 8-) )

*   Reading for next week:
    *   DB Reading Packet 9 - Transaction Management, part 1
    *   SQL Reading Packet 8 - Simple Reports, Part 2

*   NOTE:
    *   Reviewing for Exam 2 in class next MONDAY
    *   Asynchronous material will cover transaction management
        and start discusssing some features for simple reports (not on
	Exam 2)
    *   practice with simple report features in lab next Friday
    *   turn in Homework 9 by 11:59 pm next Friday

    *   then Exam 2 is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15th