Howdy there CS 325

   NAME_ID NAME              QUANTITY                                           
---------- --------------- ----------                                           
         1 doohicky                27                                           
         2 watchamacallit          13                                           

hey about to demo forward slash

   NAME_ID NAME              QUANTITY                                           
---------- --------------- ----------                                           
         1 doohicky                27                                           
         2 watchamacallit          13                                           

Table dropped.

Table created.

Table dropped.

Table created.

*** describe parts: ***
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 PART_NUM                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 PART_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25)
 QUANTITY_ON_HAND                                   NUMBER(38)
 PRICE                                              NUMBER(6,2)
 LEVEL_CODE                                         CHAR(3)
 LAST_INSPECTED                                     DATE

*** describe part_orders: ***
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 ORDER_NUM                                 NOT NULL CHAR(6)
 CUST_NUM                                  NOT NULL CHAR(8)
 PART_NUM                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 ORDER_DATE                                         DATE
 QUANTITY                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 ORDER_CODE                                         CHAR(1)
 DELIVERY_CODE                             NOT NULL CHAR(1)

1 row created.

1 row created.

1 row created.

Look at error message you get when you put a too-long string for
a varchar2 column:
(10602, '5/8 in lug nut from Argentina or Brazil', 1000, 0.02, '00X', sysdate)
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-12899: value too large for column "ST10"."PARTS"."PART_NAME" (actual: 39, 
maximum: 25) 

1 row created.

Look at error message you get when you try to insert a row
with a foreign key value NOT in the referenced (parent) table:
insert into part_orders
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ST10.SYS_C001575862) violated - parent key not 

1 row created.

---------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --- ---------  
     10603 hexagonal wrench                        13       9.99 XXX 15-AUG-21  
     10604 tire                                   287      39.99 MMM 31-AUG-21  
     10605 bubble gum                                     876.54                

ORDER_ CUST_NUM   PART_NUM ORDER_DAT   QUANTITY O D                             
------ -------- ---------- --------- ---------- - -                             
111111 11111111      10603 31-AUG-21          3 B U                             
222222 22222222      10604 01-SEP-20          4 I P