/* let's express relational operations in SQL */

-- get some example tables to play with

start set-up-ex-tbls.sql

/* pure selection! in SQL

   select *
   from   desired_table
   where  desired_bool_expr;


-- selection of empls whose salary is more than 1500

select *
from   empl
where  salary > 1500;

/* pure projection!

   select distinct attrib1, attrib2, ...
   from desired_tbl;

-- projection of dept_num and job_title

select distinct dept_num, job_title
from   empl;

/* pure Cartesian product!

   select *
   from   tbl1, tb2;


-- Cartesian product of empl and dept (ugly!)

select *
from   empl, dept;

/* ONE form of pure equi-join!

   select *
   from  tbl1, tbl2
   where tbl1.attrib = tbl2.attrib;


select *
from   empl, dept
where  empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num;

/* natural join is just... tedious!

   select <all attribs of tbl1 and tbl2 except ONE of tbl1's or
           tbl2's join_attrib>
   from   tbl1, tbl2
   where  tbl1.join_attrib = tbl2.join_attrib;


select empl_num, empl_last_name, job_title, mgr, hiredate, salary,
       commission, empl.dept_num, dept_name, dept_loc
from   empl, dept
where  empl.dept_num = dept.dept_num;