CS 325 - Week 5 Lecture - 2021-09-20

*   announcements
*   review clicker questions
*   intro to entity-relationship modeling, PART 1
*   prep for next class

*   Reading for this week:
    *   DB Reading Packet 4 - intro to
        entity-relationship modeling, PART 1
    *   SQL Reading Packet 3 - More where clause options and aggregate

*   Should be working on Homework 3! due Friday;

*   The Project Handout *should* come out this week;

    also often abbreviated as E-R modeling, ER modeling...

    *   NOTE: if you do additional reading on this,
        that's great! BUT you are expected to use the CS 325 class
	style standards for E-R models that I have to look at... 8-)

*   data modeling: the process of creating a representation of the
    users' view of the data (in some setting or scenario)

    *   can have a LARGE effect on the usability of an eventual database!

    *   you will have a much better chance of building a robust, usable
        database for a scenario if you MODEL it BEFORE deciding on
	its relations/tables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *   so that's the idea here:
        *   FIRST you model the scenario,
	*   THEN you convert that model into appropriate corresponding

*   IN entity-relationship modeling,
    you are trying to think of a scenario in terms of ENTITY (classes)
    and the RELATIONSHIPS (relationship classes) BETWEEN them;

    while an entity (class) will EVENTUALLY be converted to ONE or MORE
    tables in an eventual database DESIGN,
        TABLES YET!!

    *   if you are E-R modeling, you should be trying very hard to think
        in terms of ENTITY (classes)!

*  [quick definition: AFTER the modeling, THEN we will convert the E-R model
    we come up with into a Database DESIGN/database schema:

    *   database design? database schema?

        the STRUCTURE of the relations in a database and their relationships;

    *   here's a slightly more pragmatic definition than the one from
        last week:
	*   [from Kroenke's Database Design test]
	*   its relations/tables,
	    relationships,   <-- we'll define those via foreign keys
	    domains,         <-- of its attributes
	    business rules   <-- day-to-day "rules"-of-thumb within the
            *   (you can think of business rules as being one way to
	        state some of the constraints on allowable data values...)
            *   depending on how you express this, it CAN be pretty darn
	        DBMS-software independent;

*   E-R models!

*   introduced by Peter Chen in a 1976 paper;

*   a model created via E-R modeling is often called an E-R model,
    and is often depicted using an E-R diagram!

*   "base" objects in an E-R model are:
    *   entities (entity classes)
    *   attributes
    *   identifiers
    *   relationships

ENTITIES and entity classes!
*   entity: a thing that exists and is distinguishable from other things

    ...it needs to be something that can be identified within a scenario
    or a setting; that the users within may want to track

    *   an entity can be concrete or abstract
        *   A particular student at a University
	*   A particular course at that University

    *   an entity CLASS is a SET of entities of the same type
        *   the SET of students at a University
	*   the SET of courses at that University

    *   in an E-R model,
        we want to determine the entity classes that are significant
        in a scenario;
    *   entity classes CAN be disjoint, but they don't have to be;

    *   In an E-R diagram (depicting an E-R model),
        an entity class is typically depicted as a labeled rectangle
	(this part IS common!)

	| Student |

	| Course |

*   attributes or properties describe entity class CHARACTERISTICS that
    are important or significant to the users in a scenario

    *   really, in an E-R model, an entity instance is represented
        by a set of attributes;

    *   consider:
        *   what are significant or important characteristics of
	    an instance of this entity class to those in the scenario?
	*   what is ethical or legal to keep track of?
	*   what is practical to keep track of?

    *   how are these depicted in an E-R model, in an E-R diagram

        *   you'll see them depicted in ovals attached to the entity
	    class rectangle -- but that's clunky unless you have
	    special software to deal with that;

        *   BUT our CS 325 class approach to this will be to make
	    a list of such attributes labeled by the entity class
	    name, placed "nearby" or on the next page

	| Student |

	| Course |

        Student                  Course
        --------                 -------
	St_last_name             Course_name
	St_first_name            Course_length

    *   and notice that each of these attributes has a DOMAIN,
        a set of possible values....

        we will be a little loose about indicating this in our
	E-R diagrams;

	but some approaches have you create and document a data dictionary
	giving the domains for each attribute;

        We WILL, however, note when attributes are MULTI-VALUED --
	when ONE entity instance might REASONABLY have multiple values
	for that attribute;

        *   we'll (CS 325 style approach) mark multi-valued attributes
	    with (MV) after the attribute's name

	| Student |

	| Course |

        Student                  Course
        --------                 -------
	St_last_name             Course_name
	St_first_name            Course_length
	St_email (MV)

    *   here, saying that a *single* student entity instance might
        have more than one e-mail address;

    *   (and the others are assumed to be single-valued!)

    *   note: BUSINESS RULES can help explain/decide why some attributes
        might or might not be allowed to be multi-valued;

        And a scenario might ALSO have business rules that
	note why some attributes for an entity class might or
	might not be allowed to have null in their domains...
	*   (Are all students always assigned an e-mail address by
	    the scenario, for example? Then it might be that St_email
	    is not permitted to be null...)

        *   we are not formally noting that in our E-R model,
	    *but* it SHOULD be included in the list of BUSINESS
	    RULES you should START building during the E-R modeling

*   relationships: will be where we start in Week 5 Asynchronous