project empl last names and salaries:

EMPL_LAST_NAME      SALARY                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
King                  5000                                                      
Jones                 2975                                                      
Blake                 2850                                                      
Raimi                 2450                                                      
Ford                  3000                                                      
Smith                  800                                                      
Michaels              1600                                                      
Ward                  1250                                                      
Martin                1250                                                      
Scott                 3000                                                      
Turner                1500                                                      

EMPL_LAST_NAME      SALARY                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
Adams                 1100                                                      
James                  950                                                      
Miller                1300                                                      

14 rows selected.

project empl last names and 2 * salaries:

EMPL_LAST_NAME    SALARY*2                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
King                 10000                                                      
Jones                 5950                                                      
Blake                 5700                                                      
Raimi                 4900                                                      
Ford                  6000                                                      
Smith                 1600                                                      
Michaels              3200                                                      
Ward                  2500                                                      
Martin                2500                                                      
Scott                 6000                                                      
Turner                3000                                                      

EMPL_LAST_NAME    SALARY*2                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
Adams                 2200                                                      
James                 1900                                                      
Miller                2600                                                      

14 rows selected.

project empl last names and salaries
(note that projecting a computed column does not change
that column!)

EMPL_LAST_NAME      SALARY                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
King                  5000                                                      
Jones                 2975                                                      
Blake                 2850                                                      
Raimi                 2450                                                      
Ford                  3000                                                      
Smith                  800                                                      
Michaels              1600                                                      
Ward                  1250                                                      
Martin                1250                                                      
Scott                 3000                                                      
Turner                1500                                                      

EMPL_LAST_NAME      SALARY                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
Adams                 1100                                                      
James                  950                                                      
Miller                1300                                                      

14 rows selected.

playing with column aliases!

EMPL_LAST_NAME    IF_RAISE                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
King                 10000                                                      
Jones                 5950                                                      
Blake                 5700                                                      
Raimi                 4900                                                      
Ford                  6000                                                      
Smith                 1600                                                      
Michaels              3200                                                      
Ward                  2500                                                      
Martin                2500                                                      
Scott                 6000                                                      
Turner                3000                                                      

EMPL_LAST_NAME    IF_RAISE                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
Adams                 2200                                                      
James                 1900                                                      
Miller                2600                                                      

14 rows selected.

EMPL_LAST_NAME    if Raise                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
King                 10000                                                      
Jones                 5950                                                      
Blake                 5700                                                      
Raimi                 4900                                                      
Ford                  6000                                                      
Smith                 1600                                                      
Michaels              3200                                                      
Ward                  2500                                                      
Martin                2500                                                      
Scott                 6000                                                      
Turner                3000                                                      

EMPL_LAST_NAME    if Raise                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
Adams                 2200                                                      
James                 1900                                                      
Miller                2600                                                      

14 rows selected.

Employee        if 10% raise                                                    
--------------- ------------                                                    
King                    5500                                                    
Jones                 3272.5                                                    
Blake                   3135                                                    
Raimi                   2695                                                    
Ford                    3300                                                    
Smith                    880                                                    
Michaels                1760                                                    
Ward                    1375                                                    
Martin                  1375                                                    
Scott                   3300                                                    
Turner                  1650                                                    

Employee        if 10% raise                                                    
--------------- ------------                                                    
Adams                   1210                                                    
James                   1045                                                    
Miller                  1430                                                    

14 rows selected.

WILL GET ERROR, column alias must be in NO quotes or DOUBLE quotes:
select empl_last_name, salary *	2 'if Raise'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected 

computations will NOT be done on NULL values:

EMPL_LAST_NAME   Total pay                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      
Michaels              1900                                                      
Ward                  1750                                                      
Martin                2650                                                      
Turner                1500                                                      

EMPL_LAST_NAME   Total pay                                                      
--------------- ----------                                                      

14 rows selected.

empl last names and dept names, NO table aliases:

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME                                                       
--------------- ---------------                                                 
Miller          Accounting                                                      
Raimi           Accounting                                                      
Scott           Research                                                        
Jones           Research                                                        
Ford            Research                                                        
Smith           Research                                                        
Martin          Sales                                                           
Ward            Sales                                                           
Blake           Sales                                                           
Michaels        Sales                                                           
James           Sales                                                           

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME                                                       
--------------- ---------------                                                 
Turner          Sales                                                           
Adams           Operations                                                      
King            Management                                                      

14 rows selected.

empl last names and dept names, WITH table aliases
(no difference in the output!):

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME                                                       
--------------- ---------------                                                 
Miller          Accounting                                                      
Raimi           Accounting                                                      
Scott           Research                                                        
Jones           Research                                                        
Ford            Research                                                        
Smith           Research                                                        
Martin          Sales                                                           
Ward            Sales                                                           
Blake           Sales                                                           
Michaels        Sales                                                           
James           Sales                                                           

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEPT_NAME                                                       
--------------- ---------------                                                 
Turner          Sales                                                           
Adams           Operations                                                      
King            Management                                                      

14 rows selected.

WILL GET ERROR; once you have a table alias,
you must USE it THROUGHOUT that select,
EVEN in its SELECT clause...!
select empl_last_name, dept.dept_num, dept_name
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "DEPT"."DEPT_NUM": invalid identifier 

now using the needed table alias in select clause:

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEP DEPT_NAME                                                   
--------------- --- ---------------                                             
Miller          100 Accounting                                                  
Raimi           100 Accounting                                                  
Scott           200 Research                                                    
Jones           200 Research                                                    
Ford            200 Research                                                    
Smith           200 Research                                                    
Martin          300 Sales                                                       
Ward            300 Sales                                                       
Blake           300 Sales                                                       
Michaels        300 Sales                                                       
James           300 Sales                                                       

EMPL_LAST_NAME  DEP DEPT_NAME                                                   
--------------- --- ---------------                                             
Turner          300 Sales                                                       
Adams           400 Operations                                                  
King            500 Management                                                  

14 rows selected.

average salary of, and number of rows selected,
with job_title of Manager

AVG(SALARY)   COUNT(*)                                                          
----------- ----------                                                          
 2758.33333          3                                                          

note difference between count(*) and count(commission),
and again note that computations are NOT done with NULL values:

  COUNT(*) COUNT(COMMISSION) SUM(COMMISSION)                                    
---------- ----------------- ---------------                                    
        14                 4            2200