===== CS 325 - Week 7 Asynchronous Materials - 2021-10-06 ===== ===== "TODAY" WE WILL ===== * announcements * SQL: intro to sub-selects * SQL: concatenating columns and projecting literals * SQL: the EXISTS predicate * prep for next class ===== * the reading for this material is: * SQL Reading Packet 4 - "Sub-selects, concatenating columns, and projecting literals" * you should be working on Homework 5! (due 11:59 pm on Friday, Oct 8) * note that Homework 6 will come out AFTER Exam 1 * remember: NO CS 325 labs this FRIDAY, Oct 8, because I will be at a conference * remember: any outstanding homework pieces for Homeworks 1-5 will only be accepted through 11:59 pm this FRIDAY, Oct 8, * so that example homework solutions can be posted by early SATURDAY, Oct 9, for Exam 1 study. * Exam 1 - next Monday, October 11th (available from Canvas 9:00 am - 10:30 am) ===== SUB-selects? Nested selects? ===== * the idea here: there are certain places WITHIN a select where you can PLACE a sub-select/nested select; ...you can place a sub-select where its results would be appropriate! * ONE such place: is within a WHERE clause, when the boolean expression for that WHERE clause can use the sub-select's results in determining which rows to select!