CS 325 - Week 11 Lecture 1 - 2021-11-01

*   announcements
*   converting a model into a database design/schema, part 2
*   prep for next class

*   Should start working on Homework 8, due Friday November 5th, 11:59 pm

*   Especially after today (maybe Wednesday), it would be a good time
    to start converting your project model draft into a project design draft,
    since you should have all the tools for that, having gone over
    DB Reading Packets 7 and 8;

CONVERTING supertype/subtype entity classes
    into appropriate relations
*   the STEPS...
    *   again, the order of these can definitely vary -- this is
        an ordering I've found myself leaning toward;

    *   you'll still have a "base" table for each of the entity classes
        involved year -- yes, for each supertype entity class and for each
	subtype entity class




    *   for the supertype's "base" table, you'll determine an
        appropriate primary key




        *   NOW: for disjoint and overlapping subtypes,
	    (that is, NOT for union subtypes!!!),
	    you will put the primary key of the supertype
	    entity class' "base" table

	    into EACH of the subtypes' entity class's "base"
	    tables as THEIR primary key,

	    and also as a FOREIGN key referencing the
	    supertype entity class' "base" table


	    foreign key(acct_num) references Account

	    foreign key(acct_num) references Account

    *   To make certain queries easier, it is common (and
        we'll practice that here, for the experience,
	and so it's a class style standard) to add some
	additional attribute(s) also:

        for disjoint subtypes: add an attribute to the
	supertype entity class' "base" table whose domain
	appropriately indicates WHICH subtype that supertype's
	entity is an instance of;

        for Account/Savings/Checking model, perhaps:

        Account(ACCT_NUM, acct_type
	   (and acct_type's domain could be ('Savings', 'Checking'),
	    or ('S', 'C'), etc.)

	for overlapping subtypes, add a somewhat-binary attribute
	to the supertype entity class'	"base" table
	for each subtype, indicating if it IS that subtype or
	not (we'll demo that in a little bit)

    *   then you can proceed handling the rest of the design
        probably as we've discussed earlier;

*   SO: finishing the Account/Savings/Checking model conversion,

    we can add in the single-valued attributes into their
    appropriate "base" tables:

        Account(ACCT_NUM, acct_type, date_opened, balance, 

        Savings_Acct(ACCT_NUM, int_rate,
	    foreign key(acct_num) references Account

        Checking_Acct(ACCT_NUM, min_balance, per_ck_charge,
	    foreign key(acct_num) references Account
    we can add a NEW table for each MULTI-valued attribute,
    following the same approach as discussed last week:

        Account(ACCT_NUM, acct_type, date_opened, balance,

        Savings_Acct(ACCT_NUM, int_rate,
            foreign key(acct_num) references Account

        Savings_Bonuses(ACCT_NUM, BONUS_FEATURE)
	    foreign key(acct_num) references Savings_Acct

        Checking_Acct(ACCT_NUM,	min_balance, per_ck_charge,
            foreign key(acct_num) references Account

    *   (yes, it is fine for a foreign key to reference
        a subtype entity class' "base" table, for a multi-valued
	attribute for that subtype's entity class)

    *   and handle any other relationships -- 1:1, 1:N, N:M --
        with each of these entity classes, supertype or
	subtype, as discussed last week

	(also remembering that, in handling those, it is also
	fine to have a foreign key referencing a subtype's entity
	class' "base" table if the relationship calls for that)

*   let's handle the Univ-person model:

    *   "base" table for each entity class:




    *   determine appropriate primary key for the supertype
        entity class' "base" table,
	and make it the primary key of the subtype entity classes'
	"base" tables also, as well as a foreign key
	referencing the supertype entity class' "base" table


        foreign key(univ_id) references Univ_person

        foreign key(univ_id) references Univ_person

    *   and since these are overlapping subtypes,
        add an "is_blank" attribute for each subtype to
	the supertype entity class' "base" table:

    Univ_person(UNIV_ID, is_student, is_instr,

        foreign key(univ_id) references Univ_person

        foreign key(univ_id) references Univ_person

    *   Now handle the rest of attributes as discussed

    Univ_person(UNIV_ID, is_student, is_instr, last_name,
        first_name, campus_email)

    Student(UNIV_ID, gpa, semester_matricd, semester_graduated)
        foreign key(univ_id) references Univ_person

    Instructor(UNIV_ID, is_w4_on_file, date_1st_hired)
        foreign key(univ_id) references Univ_person

*   what about UNION supertype subtypes?
    *   how is converting that into a design different?

    *   you still make a "base" table for each entity class;

        (considering the Sponsor model:





    *   BUT -- here, each subtype entity class' "base" table
        gets its own appropriate primary key --

	and you'll introduce an appropriate primary key to
	supertype entity class' "base" table as well;





    *   I still need the supertype entity class' "base" table's
        primary key in the suptype entity class' "base" tables,
	but JUST as a foreign key, NOT as any part of the primary key;


        Club(CLUB_NUM, spons_id,
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

        Team(TEAM_CODE, spons_id,
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

        Dept(DEPT_CODE, spons_id,
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

    *   and, like a disjoint superclass, you add a blah_type
        attribute to the supertype entity class' "base" table
	to make certain queries easier:

	Sponsor(SPONS_ID, spons_type,
	    (maybe spons_type's domain is ('club', 'team', 'dept')) 

        Club(CLUB_NUM, spons_id,
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

        Team(TEAM_CODE, spons_id,
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

        Dept(DEPT_CODE, spons_id,
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

    *   (and now handle remaining attributes,
        and other entity classes, and other relationships...)

	Sponsor(SPONS_ID, spons_type)
	    (maybe spons_type's domain is ('club', 'team', 'dept')) 

        Club(CLUB_NUM, spons_id, club_name, is_active)
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

        Team(TEAM_CODE, spons_id, sport, season)
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

        Dept(DEPT_CODE, spons_id, dept_title, office_num)
	    foreign key(spond_id) references Sponsor

        Event(EVENT_NUM, event_title, event_date, spons_id)
	    foreign key(spons_id) references Sponsor