CS 325 - Week 11 Asynchronous Material

*   announcements
*   continuing converting model into a design/schema, part 2
*   SQL: mention the ANSI syntax for joins
*   SQL: demo of some more-than-two-table-joins
*   SQL: intro to views
*   [IF time:] SQL: intro to sequences
*   prep for next class

*   Reading:
    *   DB Reading Packet 8 - Database Design, Part 2
    *   SQL Reading Packet 7 - has the view material
        (but Sequences are in SQL Reading Packet 6,
	     and where are those more-than-2-table join examples...?)

*   Should be working on Homework 8, due by 11:59 pm on Friday
*   Should be working on converting your Project model draft into
    a Project design draft (due November 19th)
*   (and have your talked to your academic advisor about
    Spring 2022 registration? 8-) )

MORE odds-and-ends that you might encounter in
converting a database model into a database design/schema
FIRST: handling so-called ASSOCIATION entity classes
*   sometimes you find, in a model, an entity class that ASSOCIATES
    two or more other entity classes in a transaction that
    is pretty important to the scenario,

    *   AND has attributes of its own,

    *   BUT does not have reasonable/apparent identifying attributes.

*   Consider the Flight model we showed on the recording --

    We might get "base" tables for entity classes Flight and Customer

    Flight(FLIGHT_NUM, flight_date, exp_departure, exp_arrival,
           actl_departure, actl_arrival)

    Customer(CUST_NUM, cust_lname, cust_fname)

    *   Flight_reservation, here, is an example of an
        association entity class;

        we'll start a "base" table for it:


        ...but what should its primary key be?

*   what MIGHT be different here? you sometimes have TWO reasonable
    choices for the primary key of association entity class
    *   one choice: to introduce a primary key for that association

        in the flight model, you might introduce a reserv_num as a primary
	key for Flight_reservation:

	Flight_Reservation(RESERV_NUM, reserv_date_made, flight_num,
	    foreign key(flight_num) references Flight,
	    foreign key(cust_num) references Customer

    *   another choice: OR it might "feel" more appropriate,
        for many association entity classes, to consider
	thre association entity to be identified by the
	identifiers of the entities it is associating;

        that is, maybe I'd rather identify a flight reservation
	by the customer reserving for the flight and the flight that
	customer is making a reservation for;

        In this approach, the foreign keys, combined, are made the
	primary key of the association entity class' "base" table:

	Flight_Reservation(reserv_date_made, FLIGHT_NUM,
	    foreign key(flight_num) references Flight,
	    foreign key(cust_num) references Customer

*   another classic association entity class:

    sale_item_quant, associating a sale and a sale_item
    with JUST the attribute quantity, the quantity of THAT
    sale item in THAT sale

        This is a pretty classic case where you might choose
	not to intro a separate primary key for sale_item_quant's
	"base" table --

	Sale_item_quant(SALE_NUM, SKU_NUM, quantity)
	    foreign key(sale_num) references Sale,
	    foreign key(sku_num) references Sale_item

*   what's another case where you might use a foreign key
    from a relationship line as part or all of another
    table's primary key?

    you MIGHT do so for handling weak entity classes

    (since they are so dependent on another entity class,
        and are usually related to that entity class as the child
	in a 1:N relationship or in 1:1 relationship where that
	relationship is REQUIRED on its end)

    *   consider a scenario with multiple apartment buildings,
        they want to keep track of, for each room in one,
	its room number, num of bedrooms, and num of baths, but
	maybe that's it;

        Room_num cannot be the Room entity class "base" table's primary
	key, because there might be, say, a room 101 in more than one
	apartment building;

    *   You know you WILL be adding bldg_num to Room's "base" table
        because 1:N relationship contains;

	Room(ROOM_NUM, num_bedrooms, num_baths, BLDG_NUM)
	    foreign key(bldg_num) references Apt_Bldg

        ...so the weak entity class' "base" table's primary key
	may be a COMBO of one of its attributes AND the primary
	key of the "base" table of the entity class it is dependent

What about RECURSIVE relationships?

*   consider Employee-manages-Employee -- and it is 1:N;

    still put the "parent's" "base" table's primary key into
    the "child's", as a foreign key, BUT they're the same "base" table
    (!!!), so the foreign key needs a different name, suggesting the

    Employee(EMPL_NUM, mgr_num
        foreign key(mgr_num) references Employee(empl_num)

    *   populating this can be fun!

        if you have an employee with NO manager, insert their
	row first! (With NULL for mgr_num)!

        THEN you can insert employees managed by THAT employee,

        THEN you can insert employees managed by any of THOSE employees,
	and so on!

        (typically only annoying for the FIRST insertions...!)

        *   by the way: what if the foreign key cannot be null?
	    ...you might need to create the table with a foreign key
	    that can be null, insert a first row with mgr_num as null,
	    THEN add a second row that manages them, and so on,

	    THEN use update commands to UPDATE their foreign keys to
	    now-existing rows,

	    THEN use an ALTER command to make the foreign key column
	    NOT NULL...!

	    a kluge, but it can work!!

MULTIPLE relationships between entity classes
*   still handle each individually!
    BUT!! you may need to be creative/descriptive with the table names,
          OR you may need a renamed foreign key,
	  depending on the cardinalities of the relationships involved;

*   if 2 M:N relationships? JUST give them different intersection table


    Talk(TALK_NUM, ....

    In_charge(MEM_NUM, TALK_NUM)
       foreign key(mem_num) references Member,
       foreign key(talk_num) references Talk

    Sign_Ups(MEM_NUM, TALK_NUM)
       foreign key(mem_num) references Member,
       foreign key(talk_num) references Talk

*   BUT -- what about

    the music prof advises and gives lesson to students situation?

    *   Student needs Music_prof's foreign key TWICE --
        so NAME both foreign keys to make CLEAR which relationship they
	are for;

        Student(STU_NUM, advisor_num, private_tch_num,
	   foreign key(advisor_num) references Music_prof(prof_num),
	   foreign key(private_tch_num) references Music_prof(prof_num)

SQL "ANSI" join syntax

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL:
*   "SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute
    (ANSI) in 1986, and of the International Organization for
    Standardization (ISO) in 1987."

*   ANSI SQL/99 included some additional ways to express different
    join operations;

    ...here's one of those syntaxes:

     select expr1, expr2, ..., exprN
     from   tbl1 JOIN tbl2 ON (tbl1.attrib1 = tbl2.attrib2);

     this, then, is a reasonable alternative to saying:

     select expr1, expr2, ..., exprN
     from   tbl1, tbl2
     where  tbl1.attrib1 = tbl2.attrib2;

    *   AND maybe you'll be less likely to forget the JOIN
        condition using the ANSI join syntax!! 8-)

    *   FEEL free to use the above -- it is FINE, good style!!!!
    	(BUT the ANSI "natural join" syntax does NOT meet class
        style standards -- that's a DIFFERENT syntax than either one

joining MORE than TWO tables!
    when you join N tables,
        you need to have (N-1) appropriate join conditions!!!!!!!!

    what if you want:
    the name of a customer,
    the name of the employee who represents them,
    and the name of the department that employee works for?

    select cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_name
    from   customer c, empl e, dept d
    where  c.empl_rep = e.empl_num
           and e.dept_num = d.dept_num;

    HERE is that query in ANSI join notation:

    select cust_lname, empl_last_name, dept_name
    from   customer c
             JOIN empl e ON c.empl_rep = e.empl_num
	     JOIN dept d on e.dept_num = d.dept_num;

intro to SQL views
*   a view is a "derived" table -- it is NOT actually stored in rows
    in the database (or in a data structure containing the actual data) --

    instead, a view in a DBMS JUST contains HOW to generate
    the desired information when the view is used!

    (the user can USE it like it was a table,
    but whenever it is used, it is generated at that point!)

    *   you can have a view for a "tabular" beastie users want to refer
        to but that would be problematic in terms of
	modification anomalies -- or just makes certain other queries
	more convenient

        AND you can have a view when you want to restrict someone's
	access to just SOME of the rows of some table (you can grant
	access to a view instead of the whole table the view is based on)

*   here's the basic syntax:

    create view view_name as

*   NOW a few more nuances here:

    *   you can rename the columns in the view in a couple of
        ways, and sometimes you HAVE to...!

    *   that is -- the view "looks" like a table to users and programmers,
        who can use it like a table in select statements,
	SO its column names HAVE to meet SQL's column name syntax;

        (so, for a view based on an aggregate function call or
	computation, you HAVE to rename those columns!

    *   use column aliases in the select statement!

create view short_empl2 as
    select empl_last_name last_name, job_title job
    from   empl;

    *   (note: now, using the view short_empl2, ONLY the column
        names last_name and job are known!

drop view salary_avgs;

create view salary_avgs as
    select job_title, avg(salary) job_avg_salary
    from   empl
    group by job_title;

    *   put the desired column names IN a comma-separated list IN
        parentheses AFTER the view's name in the create view statement
	(but you must give a name for EACH column in this version):

drop view salary_avgs2;

create view salary_avgs2(job_title, job_avg_salary) as
    select job_title, avg(salary) 
    from   empl
    group by job_title;

...and that should be enough for you to try out views
   in Friday's lab exercise and the next homework assignment!