CS 325 - Week 12 Lecture 1 - 2021-11-08

*   announcements
*   Review for Exam 2
*   prep for next class

*   schedule for the next week or so:
    *   Review for Exam 2 TODAY

    *   Discussing transaction management and some SQL/SQL*PLus features for
        simple reports in Week 12 Asynchronous Material
	[that will NOT be part of Exam 2 coverage)

    *   in Friday's Labs, (Week 12 Labs), you'll get a chance to practice
        with some of those simple report features discussed in the Week 12
	Asynchronous materials

    *   turn in Homework 9 by 11:59 pm on Friday

        (Homework 10 will come out AFTER Exam 2)

    *   Exam 2 - given on Monday, November 15th

*   As per the course syllabus, you can still submit pieces until their
    example solutions are posted --
    SO, the example solutions for Homeworks 6 through 9 will be posted
        early on Sunday, November 14th,

    SO, any remaining pieces or improved pieces you wish to submit for
        Homeworks 6 through 9 should be submitted by 11:59 pm
	on *** SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th ***

*   KEEP IN MINDS: you'll be submitting your Project Design draft
    (the result of converting your Project Model Draft) by 11:59 pm
    on *** FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19th ***.

*   Remember to register for Spring 2022 when your registration
    window opens! 8-)