CS 112 - Week 9 Labs - 2022-10-21

*   Announcements/Prep for next class
*   Review clicker questions
*   Week 9 Lab Exercise

*   Get attempts at Homework 7's problems in by 11:59 pm
    TONIGHT (Friday, October 21)
    ...so you can submit improved up until 11:59 pm
       on TUESDAY, October 25

*   Homework 8 - will come out after Exam 2

*   Watch for class e-mail when Exam 1's grading is complete

*   any remaining improved versions of programming problems
    from Homeworks 4-7 must be submitted by 11:59 pm
    on TUESDAY, Oct 25

    so example solutions can become visible 12:01 am on
    WEDNESDAY, October 26

    so you can use them as part of your EXAM 2 studying --
    you'll take EXAM 2 in next FRIDAY's lab, October 28