CS 112 - Week 3 Lecture 2 - 2022-09-08

*   announcements
*   more C++ review/overview:
    *   file input/output
    *   arrays in C++

*   if desired:
    *   see Savitch Ch. 6 - more on interactive
        i/o and file i/o
    *   see Savitch Ch. 7 - review of arrays

*   intro to file input and file output in C++

*   C++ has a library fstream
    that declares, amongst other things,
    some useful subclasses of classes from the
    iostream library for the purpose of reading
    from and writing to files (using a stream approach)

    *   includes a class ifstream -- input file stream
             and a class ofstream -- output file stream

    *   for reading from a file:
        *   remember to:

        #include <fstream>

        *   declare an ifstream object:

            ifstream in_stream;

        *   to read from a file,
	    you need to connect the ifstream object TO
	    that file --
	    you can do that using the ifstream class'
	    open method.
	    *   one version of open expects a string
	        representing the file name (relative to
		the current working directory),

                and it attempts to attach that ifstream
		object TO that file for reading;


        *   now this can be used similarly to how we use
	    cin, to read from that file's characters:

            int data;
            string next_line;

            getline(in_stream, next_line);

	    in_stream >> data;

        *   and when you are done reading from the file,
	    it is CS 112 CLASS STYLE to explicitly close
	    the stream with the close method, which expects
	    no arguments:


    *   how about file output?
        *   remember to:

        #include <fstream>

        *   declare an ofstream object

        ofstream out_stream;

        *   ofstream has more than one overloaded
	    open method --
	    *   if called with one string argument
	        representing the name of a file
		relative to the current working directory,
		it tries to create that file if it
		does not exist,
		and opens that file, DELETING any of
		its current contents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            *   if called with TWO arguments,
	        a string representing the name of a file
		relative to the current working directory,
		and a constant representing whether it should
		be opened for appending,
		...for appending, this constant is the named
		   constant app from the ios class,
		   which you write using the SCOPE RESOLUTION
		   OPERATOR :: as follows:


                   ...and now you'll open for appending if it
		   exists, and any writing will be done to
		   the end of the file

        *   now use this open ofstream to write to this
	    file as you use cout to write to standard output:

	    out_stream << "write me to file" << endl
	               << (3 + 5) << endl;

        *   and -- CS 112 CLASS STYLE -- explicitly close this
	    output file stream when you are done with it,
	    using its close method:


review/overview of C++ arrays
*   in C++, an array is one of the lowest-level
    built-in data structures

    *   it is a collection of values (with one name)
    *   its values are stored consecutively in memory
    *   all of its values are of the SAME type
    *   you must give its size when it is created

    *   restrictive, but EFFICIENT!

    *   first element has index 0
        last element has index (size - 1)

    *   array syntax to declare a statically-allocated
        LOCAL VARIABLE array:

        elem_type arr_name[num_of_elements];

        Optionally, you can initialize it using
	curly braces:

        elem_type arr_name[num_of_elements] = {expr1, expr2, ... exprn};

    *   to access ONE element of an array,

	string words[5] = {"apple", "grape", "lemon", "cherry",

        cout << words[0] << endl;   // prints apple
	cout << words[4] << endl;   // prints chocolate
        words[2] = "lime";   // changed the 3rd element,
	                     //    lemon, to lime

        for loops are LOVELY for arrays!!!!

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
	    cout << words[i] << endl;

        for (string next_word: words)
	    cout << next_word << endl;

*   can you have an array parameter in C++?
    YES -- C++ views the array (under the hood)
    as where it STARTS

    *   an array parameter does NOT have a size indicated!!!
        (because it represents future array arguments,
	and each of those WILL have a size when they are

	...and the array argument is passed as the address
	of where the array starts in memory...!

        ret_type arr_funct(..., arr_type arr_param[], int arr_size,
    *   note that to indicate an expected
        array in a function signature,
        we'll use the notation:

        ; signature: arr_funct: .... arr_type[] int ... -> ret_type