/*---- signature: main: void -> int purpose: playing with pointers compile using: g++ ptr-1.cpp -o ptr-1 run using: ./ptr-1 by: Sharon Tuttle last modified: 2022-09-29 ----*/ #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { cout << boolalpha; cout << "pointer playing!" << endl; int *quant_ptr; // type of quant_ptr // is pointer-to-int double* num_ptr; // type of num_ptr // is pointer-to-double double quant = 4.0; num_ptr = &quant; cout << "quant: " << quant << endl; cout << "&quant: " << (&quant) << endl; cout << "num_ptr: " << num_ptr << endl; cout << "*num_ptr: " << (*num_ptr) << endl; quant = 3.145; cout << "*num_ptr: " << (*num_ptr) << endl; *num_ptr = 7; cout << "quant: " << quant << endl; int *val_ptr; val_ptr = new int; *val_ptr = 13; cout << "val_ptr: " << val_ptr << endl; cout << "*val_ptr: " << (*val_ptr) << endl; // good style: deallocate using delete // what you allocate using new delete val_ptr; // if program is not ending then, // GOOD STYLE to set a pointer // you have deallocated to NULL // (or to point to something else) val_ptr = NULL; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }