CS 112 - Week 7 Lecture 2 - 2022-10-06

*   STOP 6.5 - dynamic arrays of objects,
               arrays of pointers to objects,
	       dynamic arrays of pointers to objects...!

*   start (but not finish)
    STOP 7 - dynamic memory and classes
             (the "big 3")
*   prep for next class

*   get those first attempts at Homework 5's short-answer
    and programming problems in by 11:59 pm Friday,
    October 7

*   watch for class emails as parts of Homework 6 become

*   Current reading: Savitch Ch. 9, pointers and dynamic
    memory allocation

dynamic array of objects?
static array of pointers to objects?
dynamic array of pointers to objects?
...yes, all of these can be done, but be careful!

*   see 112lect07-2.cpp!

STOP 7 - dynamic memory and classes
         (and the "big 3")

*   when a class has all-static data fields:

    Point p1(1, 1);
    Point p2 = p1;

    PlayerChar alphonse("Alphonse", 25, 10.6, "armour", 30);
    PlayerChar edward = alphonse;

    *   if you do not explicitly declare and define
        an overloaded = operator (overloaded assignment operator)
	for a class,
	the one you get by default copies the data fields
	    of the RHS into the data fields of the LHS

    *   what about when a Point or PlayerChar is

        ... how is that copy made, to copy an argument
	into a pass-by-value Point or PlayerChar parameter?

	By a method called the copy constructor,
	which the SYSTEM calls when appropriate
	(like for pass-by-value object parameters!)

    *   and at the end of a method or function,
        how is a Point or PlayerChar object
	disposed of?

	using the default destructor method
	that is created if you don't explicitly
	create one.

*   so -- the defaults for these Big 3:
    copy constructor
    overloaded assignment operator

    work fine for classes whose data fields
    are all single-valued static memory.

    WHAT IF:
    ...one of the data fields is a pointer to
       a dynamically-allocated array?

    *   the default destructor won't free the
        memory for that data field's dynamically-allocated array --
	that's a memory leak!

        if your class' constructors and/or methods
	dynamically allocate memory using new,
	you PROBABLY need to write a destructor
	to call delete as needed

    *   and for overloaded assignment and copy
	...if you copy a pointer data field,
	   the copy's data field points to the
	   SAME value in memory as the original
	   (they're aliased...)

           ^ that's a so-called shallow copy

           if you want a so-called deeper copy,
	   say making a new array and copying over
	   the original's contents into the copy's
	   you explicitly define a copy constructor
	       and overloaded assignment operator
    *   we'll make a class that should have explicitly-defined
        destructor, copy constructor, and overloaded assignment
	operator methods next week,
	and talk about how you can write these as part of that.