CS 112 - Week 8 Lecture 1 - 2022-10-11 TODAY WE WILL: * announcements * continuing STOP 7 - dynamic memory and classes, (and when you need the "big 3" and how to write them) * prep for next class ===== * next reading: Savitch, Ch. 11, Section 11.4: Classes and Dynamic Arrays * when a class has data fields that are all scalar and static, the default destructor method, overloaded assignment operator method, and copy constructor method all work fine. * static memory goes away properly when a function or method or program ends, * copying an object copies its data fields values to the other object * note: the copy constructor method for a class is called by the operating system in situations where a copy of the object is needed -- for example, pass-by-value arguments! ===== ASIDE: ===== * typically, when you create a class, each object of that class gets its own copies of ALL of the data fields; IF you have a data field where you want just ONE copy ever, no matter how many objects of that class exist, you can declare it as static static const int DEFAULT_SIZE = 4; * this is not limited to data fields, either...