CS 112 - Week 9 Lecture 1 - 2022-10-18

*   announcements
*   intro to C++ vector class
*   a few more standard output formatting tools
*   (if time) example of stringstream
*   prep for next class

*   should be working on Homework 7!

*   Current reading:
    *   Savitch, Chapter 8, Section 8.3 -
        has an intro to the C++ vector class

    *   Savitch, Chapter 2, Section 2.2 -
        has a few more standard output formatting

    *   Savitch, Chapter 13 - his take on
        linked lists (but he takes a slightly
	different approach than we will)

Intro to the C++ vector class
*   Runestone text also has a chapter on:
    Chapter 10
    (with a few quirks...)

*   C++ has something called the
    Standard Template Library (STL)
    *   purpose: to provide standard portable
        implementations of many classic data

        *   often called container classes
	    because they are used to hold
	    collections of data

    *   template?
        that means these are TEMPLATE CLASSES,
	collections of values where the user
	specifies the type of the elements in
	that collection when they declare an
	instance of that collection

*   so: vector is one of the STL classes.

*   to use a vector, you need to #include
    the vector class:

    #include <vector>

*   what kind of container IS a vector?
    *   basically: a more convenient, more
        flexible array-type collection

    *   it can "grow" and "shrink" and the
        class methods can hide all the annoying
	details that make that possible!

    *   like an array, all the elements in
        a vector must be of the same type

    *   DOES provide the [index] notation
        you already know for using elements
	within a vector

    *   and, as a class, it has METHODS!!!!

*   how do you declare a vector?
    ...since it is a template class,
       you specify the type of elements in that
       vector by putting the type AFTER the
       class name IN a set of angle brackets:

    // this makes, from your perspective,
    //     a vector worm_counts that can hold
    //     int values and currently is empty

    vector<int> worm_counts;

    // this makes, from your perspective,
    //     a vector worm_weights that can hold
    //     double values and currently is empty

    vector<double> worm_weights;

*   vector method: size
    *   expects no arguments, returns the size
        (the number of elements currently in)
	the calling vector

*   to increase the size of a vector,
    you call its push_back method,
    with a desired new element,
    and that element is added to the end of the
    vector, and the vector's size increases by 1


    worm_weights.size() == 1

    ...and you can access this using the
       familiar indexing syntax you use in arrays:

    worm_weights[0] == 6.6

*   a couple of other available vector constructors:
    *   a 1-argument constructor: lets you
        specify an initial size for your vector

    // grades is created with 47 elements,
    //    and you can write grades[0] up
    //    to grades[46] without having to
    //    call push_back first

    vector<double> grades(47);

    *   a 2-argument constructor: lets you
        specify an initial size, and a desired
	initial value for all of the vector's

    // vector destinations is of size 4,
    //    and each has the initial value "TBA"

    vector<string> destinations(4, "TBA");

*   you can reduce the size of a vector
    for example with its pop_back method:

    pop_back expects nothing, returns nothing,
    and has the size-effect of reducing the
    vector's size by 1 and removes the element
    on the end (and destroys it...?!)

a few more standard output formatting tools
*   we know boolalpha, added to an output file
    stream, asks that bool values be formatted
    as true and false

*   here's how you can ask that double values
    be formatted to a specific fixed number
    of fractional places:


    ...now, until you change it or the function
    is done, cout will use this formatting
    for double values

*   you can also ask that values
    be right-justified in
    a field of a given size using the
    function setw

    *   this is from C++ library iomanip,
        you DO need to #include <iomanip> !!

    *   setw expects the desired output field
        width as an int
	and uses this field width for the
	NEXT value output to that stream

        (right-justifying values,
	 and if too "small", setw is ignored)

    cout << setw(8) << angie.get_exp()