/*---- signature: main: void -> int purpose: playing around with the Node class compile using: g++ node-play.cpp Node.cpp -o node-play run using: ./node-play by: Sharon Tuttle last modified: 2022-10-25 ----*/ #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include "Node.h" using namespace std; int main() { cout << boolalpha; Node *p_ptr; Node *q_ptr; p_ptr = new Node; q_ptr = new Node(4, p_ptr); cout << endl; cout << "at the beginning: " << endl; cout << "by the way: p_ptr contains: " << p_ptr << endl; p_ptr->display(); cout << endl; q_ptr->display(); q_ptr->set_data(387); cout << endl; cout << "after calling q_ptr->set_data(387):" << endl; q_ptr->display(); delete p_ptr; delete q_ptr; cout << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }