CS 112 - Week 13 Lecture 1 - 2022-11-15

*   announcements
*   continue intro to INHERITANCE
*   start intro to exception-handling in C++
*   prep for next class

*   Should be working on Homework 9! submitting at
    least 1st attempts by this 11:59 pm Friday, Nov. 18, 

*   Reading:
    *   inheritance: Savitch Ch. 15
    *   exception-handling: Savitch Ch. 16
        (and also another link that will be posted
	with these notes)

continuing intro to inheritance
calling a base class' version of an OPERATOR
*   can you call the base class' version of an OPERATOR
    (for a derived class object) like we did for
    a method?


    You'd still say BaseClass::,
    BUT you have to put the word operator BEFORE the
       actual operator in that expression:

    ColorPoint myCP;


    *   and within a derived class method,

a few words on derived classes, base classes, and types
*   when you declare a local variable:

    string lookity;    	     // lookity is of type string

*   and this is true of instances of classes users write, also:

    Point center;            // center is of type Point

*   BUT -- when you have a derived class,
    objects of that class are considered to have MULTIPLE

    ...both the derived class, AND its base class!
       (and base classES, and their base classES, etc.!)

    ColorPoint cp;       // cp is of type ColorPoint
                         //     AND of type Point

starting intro to exception-handling in C++
*   see also:
    *   exception-handling: Savitch Ch. 16
        (and also another link that will be posted
	with these notes)

*   exception-handling: a way to be more specific or
    intentional about what should happen if something
    "bad" happens while a program is running

    *   ideally, you use exception handling to handle
        "exceptional" situations, less-common situations;

    *   the isocpp.org site says:

        "C++ exceptions are designed to support error handling."

*   In C++,
    a library or your code provides a mechanism that
    signals when something unusual or untoward happens --

    that's called:  throwing an exception

    *   at ANOTHER place in your program, you place the
        code that deals with that exceptional case;

        that's called: handling the exception
      (I've also seen: catching the exception )

    *   caveat: do not use exceptions for regular control

        ...it is slow compared to regular control flow,
	   and will confuse other C++ programmers who have to
	   deal with your code;

*   THAT said -- how do you do it in C++?

    you use the try-throw-catch threesome:

    try block
    throw statement
    catch block

*   try block:


    *   the statements within should be statements
        where an exception might be thrown;

*   throw statement:

    throw expression_for_value_to_be_thrown;

    *   C++ lets you throw an expression of any type!

    *   BUT that said, it can be very useful to throw
        objects of type exception (from the built-in exception
	class or a class derived from that class)

	to use this:

        #include <exception>

        *   and objects of this type can provide more information
	    than some other thrown type might

*   for example: runtime_error is one of the derived classes
    from exception

#include <exception>
using namespace std;

class MyException: public runtime_error



MyException::MyException(): runtime_error("MyException")


void my_fun
     throw MyException();

*   catch block

    catch (exception_type exc_name)



    catch (t1 e1)
    catch (t2 e2)

    *   if an exception is thrown in the try block,
        control passes immediately to the FIRST catch block
	that "matches" the type of the exception thrown

*   continuing discussion of C++ exceptions on Thursday;