CS 112 - Week 13 Lecture 2 - 2022-11-17

*   announcements
*   continue intro to exception handling in C++
*   [maybe an stringstream demo...?]
*   prep for next class

*   Should be working on Homework 9,
    at-least-1st-attempts-deadline is 11:59 pm
    Friday, Nov 18

*   WATCH for class emails as parts of Homework 10
    become available, with a deadline of DEC 2

MORE on exception-handling in C++
*   Let's talk a bit more about the catch block.

    *   people DO sometimes call the thing written
        in parentheses after catch in a catch block
	the catch parameter...

    *   you can CHOOSE how the catch parameter is passed...!

        *   can catch by VALUE (that's the approach in exc1.cpp)

            catch (out_of_range e)

	*   can catch by REFERENCE

            catch (out_of_range& e)        # might change e!
            catch (const out_of_range& e)  # won't change e!

	*   catch by POINTER (!!)

            catch (out_of_range *e)

        *   ISO CPP's advice:
	    *   if there's not a good reason not to,
	        catch by reference (!!)

            *   (because catch by value makes a copy --
	        using the copy constructor -- COULD be
		situations where the copy would act
		differently than the "original")

            *   only use catch by poointer in very
	        special circumstances (like when using
		a library where it is the custom,
		looking at you, Microsoft Foundation Class

quick examples of stringstreams!
*   #include <sstream>     // to use stringstreams!

*   if you want to use std out formatting
    tools to build a string (rather than write to the
    screen or to a file),

    use an ostringstream

    ostringstream output_ss;
    output_ss << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")";

    // and method str lets you get a string from
    //    an ostringstream

    return output_ss.str();

    *   demo'd in revised to_string method in

*   and demo'd using an istringstream to more
    conveniently read from a file in