CS 112 - Week 15 Lecture 2 - 2022-12-08 TODAY WE WILL * Announcements * Final Exam review * a few end-of-course comments * prep for next class * SORRY - because of a conflicting meeting, I cannot hold today's student hour from 3:30 - 4:30 * Sorry for the inconvenience * Should be working on Homework 11 -- * first attempts due by 11:59 pm Friday, Dec 9 * any improved bits for Homeworks 8-11 need to be submitted by 11:59 pm SUNDAY, Dec 11 so example solutions for Homeworks 8-11 can become reachable on Canvas around 12:01 am on MONDAY, Dec 12 * FINAL Exam: 12:40 pm THURSDAY, Dec 15 in BSS 317 * TODAY - we'll review for the Final Exam! FRIDAY's (Dec. 9's) lab will be OPTIONAL -- I'll be there to answer questions about Homework 11, parts you may be improving on HWs 8-11, Final Exam questions, etc.!