/*--- SECOND VERSION: for a separately-compiled C++ program COPY this into a .cpp file in a folder within the CS50 IDE to compile: in a CS50 terminal that is open to the folder CONTAINING this program's .cpp files, type: g++ <my-program>.cpp <another-funct>.cpp ... -o <my-program> (assuming this main function is in a file named my_program.cpp) (including the .cpp or .o files for *EVERY* function or class INVOLVED in this program) to run: in that same CS50 terminal that is open to the folder CONTAINING this .cpp file, type: ./<my-program> last modified: 2022-01-20 ---*/ /*---- signature: main: void -> int purpose: either: testing program for the function <name> OR <describe the program being written -- what it needs, if anything, and what it does> by: last modified: ----*/ #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> // #include "called_below.h" // uncomment and add as needed using namespace std; int main() { cout << boolalpha; // do something return EXIT_SUCCESS; }