CS 279 - Week 3 Lab Exercise - 2022-09-08 Type in your answers WITHIN this file (do NOT delete the questions!) Type YOUR NAMES after the line: =============================== 1. Consider this set of permissions: -rw-r----- Assume you have a file named lab1.txt in your current working directory. Write a chmod command that will explicitly give lab1.txt these permissions. ============ 2. Consider this set of permissions: drwxr-xr-- Assume you have a directory named lab-stuff in your current working directory. Write a chmod command that will explicitly give lab-stuff these permissions ============ 3. Assume you have a file named lab2.txt in your current working directory. Assume this chmod command is done: chmod 664 lab2.txt After this command is done, how would lab2.txt's permissions be displayed by: ls -l lab2.txt ============ 4. Assume you have a directory named lab-things in your current working directory. Assume this chmod command is done: chmod 711 lab-things After this command is done, how would lab-things' permissions be displayed by: ls -ld lab-things ============ 5. Write a shell command setting a local shell variable our_names so that its value is both of your names. ============ 6. Write a shell command, using your shell variable from Problem 5, that will echo the value of that shell variable you created in Problem 5 to the screen. ============ 7. Fun fact: command wc, word count, can, as one of its possibilities, be given the name of a file as its argument, and it prints the number of lines, words, and bytes in that file. Write a shell command setting a local variable stats so that its value is the result of calling the wc command on this file 279lab03-prob1.txt. ============ 8. Write a shell command, using your variable from Problem 7, that will echo the value of that shell variable you created in Problem 7 to the screen. ============ 9. Assume this shell command has been run: question="How are you?" For each statement below, type what it would print to the screen: ============ echo $question echo "$question is my question" echo 'Why not ask $question' echo \$question: $question 10. Assume this shell command has now also been run (after Problem 8's shell command): question2="What does it mean?" For each statement below, type what it would print to the screen: ============ echo $question2 echo ${question}2 11. Assume this shell command has been run: let quantity=13 For each fragment below, type what the last line in that fragment would print to the screen: ============ let quantity=$quantity+10 echo $quantity let quantity=113 quantity=$quantity+20 echo $quantity let quantity=213 quantity+=30 echo $quantity let quantity=313 let quantity+=40 echo $quantity