CS 279 - Week 6 Lab Exercise - 2022-09-29

Type in your answers WITHIN this file
(do NOT delete the questions!)

Type YOUR NAMES after the line: 

1. Below, write two commands:
   *   one creating a shell variable NOT using
       the export command, and  
   *   one creating a different shell variable USING 
       the export command

   (You choose the variables' names and initial (non-blank) values.)

   Also run these two commands in your current nrs-projects shell 

2. Create a small bash script lab6-1 or lab6-1.sh that
   has the usual first line and a comment containing at least both
   of your names, that then echoes the names and then the values of 
   variables with the same names as the two variables you created in 
   Problem 1.

   When you execute this script, type below what it prints to
   the screen.

3. Now add four commands to your bash script lab6-1 or lab6-1.sh,
   *   two CHANGING the values of the variables with the same names as 
       the two variables you created in Problem 1,

   *   and two that now again echo the names and then the values of
       those variables to the screen.

   When you now this script, type below what it now prints
   to the screen.

4. *Back in your current ssh session*, type in commands that
   echo to the screen the names and then the values of
   those variables you created in Problem 1.

   Type below what is now printed to the screen by those commands.

5. Create a file demo-lab6-1.txt as follows:
   *   echo the message "About to call lab6-1", redirecting the
       output to a file demo-lab6-1.txt.

   *   execute your script lab6-1 or lab6-1.sh, redirecting the
       output so that it is *appended* to the end of demo-lab6-1.txt.

   *   then echo the message "After calling lab6-1", redirecting
       the output so that it is *appended* to the end of demo-lab6-1.txt.

   *   finally, echo the names and then the values of those variables
       you created in Problem 1, except redirect this output so that
       it is *appended* to the end of demo-lab6-1.txt.

   Submit the following files:
   *   your filled-in copy of 279lab06-prob1.txt
   *   your resulting version of lab6-1 or lab6-1.sh
   *   your resulting version of demo-lab6-1.txt