CS 279 - Week 6 Lecture 1 - 2022-09-26

*   announcements/reminders
*   bit more on environment variables
*   intro to processes and jobs
*   [did not get to] standard files and redirection
*   prep for next class

a bit more on environment variables
*   we've seen that regular local variables in a shell
    are not visible in a subshell of that shell

*   CAN you make an environment variable in a shell
    that WOULD be visible in its subshells?
    more accurately: that will be *copied* to its
    *   YES!

    *   the export built-in command makes this possible

        *   LDP (Linux Documentation Project)'s Bash Beginners
            Guide - Section 3.2.3
            2021 rewrite of course text: Section 14.1

        *   export VARNAME="value"

	    export VARNAME

        *   and now child shells will be passed a
	    copy of VARNAME...

Processes! Jobs! Oh my!
*   when Linux is running, many activities
    are underway at the same time --

    these are called PROCESSES

    (another quickie-definition I like:
    a process is as program-in-execution)

    *   they may be literally running in parallel
        (if multiple CPUs are involved)

	or they may be so-called time-sharing a
	single CPU

    *   in Linux/UNIX,
        there's at LEAST a process for the running kernel

        kernel: the HEART of a UNIX/Linux OS!

    *   in normal operation, the kernel process itself
        has several processes running,

        and there will be a process for each user logged
	into the system,

	and each user can have multiple processes running

*   ps - process status command - lets you find out
    the status of current processes

    *   the ps command options DO seem to vary
        based on one's shell...!

    *   ps x - will list all of the processes you
        are the "owner" of

*   kernel manages all the processes

    switching back and forth as needed between them

*   a process can create other processes --
    creator process is called the PARENT process,
    the created process is called the CHILD process

    *   certain system processes called DAEMONS reside
        in the system more-or-less permanently,
	and perform ongoing tasks like handling e-mail,
	handling print jobs, scheduling tasks that
	occur at regular intervals, etc.

*   job control facilities let you switch back and forth
    between your own processes

    *   BSD started this, POSIX standarized it;

    *   job: a collection of one or more processes

    *   in a logged-in-shell process,
        it is in one of two states:
	*   waiting for you to enter a command
	*   executing a command

    *   if a logged-in-shell-process is executing
        a command, the processes making up that
	command constitute the FOREGROUND job

        so there is either ONE foreground job, or none

    *   BUT -- any number of jobs can be running in
        the background OR stopped/suspended
	*   a background job is a job that is running
	    but is not the foreground job

        *   a stopped job is in a state of suspense --
	    it remains dormant until you take action
	    to resume it

    *   you can view the current status of your jobs
        with the jobs command

        *   those numbers on the left in square brackets
	    are the job numbers
	*   the + to right of one of those job numbers
	    indicates the so-called "current job",
	    the one that was stopped MOST recently

    *   you can START a job running in the background
        by ending it with a &

        emacs blah.txt &

        *   when you start a job in the background like this,
	    the shell displays its job number and its
	    PROCESS ID, abbreviated as PID in ps command

    *   you can bring the so-called current job back
        into the foreground with the fg command:


        ...and if you fg an argument that is % and a number,
	   you can specify to bring *that* job to the
	   foreground rather than the current job

       fg %2

    *   when a job terminates or changes status in some
        way, the shell notifies you of the change JUST
	before it issues the next command prompt

    *   to kill a job or process,

        the polite first attempt:

        kill desired-process-id
	kill %desired-job-num

        the more-last-resort possibly-messy attempt:

        kill -9 desired-process-id
	kill -9 %desired-job-num

    *   some special job identifiers:

        %desired-job-num   Job number desired-job-num
	%desired-str       A unique job whose name begins
	                   with desired-str
	%?desired-str      the unique job whose string contains
	                   the string desired-string
	%+                 the current job
	%-                 the previous job (one put into
	                   background second-most-recently)

*   hey! the % notation by itself can bring
    that job to foreground without being
    the argument to an fg command...!