CS 279 - Week 14 Lecture 1 - 2022-11-28

*   announcements/reminders
*   can you "return" from a Bash function?
*   Bash shell case statement
*   some "about your system" UNIX/Linux commands
*   [if time] some "just fun utilities" UNIX/Linux commands
*   prep for next class

*   IF you have a chance:
    please TRY to log into vlinux.humboldt.edu
    and e-mail me letting me know if you could or could not
    do so;

CAN you return something from a Bash function?
*   answer: kind of...!

*   four ways to attempt such a kluge:

    1. Change the state of a "global" variable
       [I wouldn't call that returning...! more like a
       persistent change due to the function...]

    2. Use the exit command with a return value to end
       the function (and that exit status will be
       available then via $?)

       *   BUT!! if a function calls exit, that
           also ends/exits the calling shell script...!

       *   demo: funct-exit.sh and call-funct-that-exits.sh

   3. Use the return command to end the function
      (but not the calling shell script or other calling function!)
      and its given value becomes the *exit status* for
      that function call

      *   to access this "returned" value, then,
          need to use $?

      *   demo: funct-return.sh and call-funct-that-returns.sh

   4. echo desired output to standard output. which can be
      accessed by the caller if called, say, with backquotes

      for example,
      value=`my_funct a b c`

      *   ironically, "looks" closest to a tradional-ish function

      *   demo: see echo3-demo.sh

Bash shell case statement!

*   Bash has a case statement!

*   basic syntax:

    case <expr> in
        <patt1>) <command>

        <patt2>) <command>


        *)  <command>

*   semantics: it compares the <expr> to each pattern in turn,
    and as soon as it matches one, it does that pattern's actions,
    and then exits the case statement

    (patterns are file globbing patterns...)

    *   NOTE: the *) case is optional -- if NO cases' patterns
        match the expression, none of the case branches are taken

*   AFTER CLASS addition:
    *   (thanks to a class member! 8-) )
    *   yes, you CAN combine cases --
        put | between the patterns;

	for example,
	    Moo | MOO | mOO)
	        echo "this worked! Handles Moo or MOO or mOO"
        *   and example demoing this IS now included in case-play.sh

some commands "about the system"

*   especially with argument -a

    *   can give you information about the OS being run,
        and with -a, also info about the hardware being run;

    *   gives an idea of how long the system has been running
        since its last reboot/restart,
	how many "users", and the load average of the system
	over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes

    *   rough definition:
        load average is a way to gauge how many processes are,
	on average, concurrently demanding CPU attention
https://superuser.com/questions/23498/what-does-load-average-mean-on-unix-linux        )

        little less rough, but still a little rough:
	The average sum of the number of processes waiting in
	the run-queue plus the number currently executing
	over 1, 5, and 15 minute time periods

*   what users are currently logged into the system

*   displays and updates sorted information about processes


    ...for desired_username's processes, use -u option:

    top -u desired_username

    *   q to quit top; -- ^c also works to stop it