CS 279 - Week 15 Lecture 2 - 2022-12-07

*   announcements
*   Final Exam Review
*   prep for next class

*   CS 279 Final Exam - WED DEC 14 at ***** 8:00 am ******
    in TA 011

*   Homework 10 - get at-least-first-attempts in by 11:59 pm
    this Friday, Dec 9

*   any improved versions for problems from Homeworks 8-10
    should be submitted by 11:59 pm on SUNDAY, Dec 11,

    so example solutions for Homeworks 8-10 can hopefully
    become reachable around 12:01 am on MONDAY, Dec 12.

*   today: REVIEWING for Final Exam

    tomorrow's lab: optional, if you'd like to work on Homework 10,
         improving parts of Homeworks 8-9, asking questions about
	 the Final, etc.