; Fall 2024 - CS 111
; Week 2 Lab Exercise
; date: 2024-09-06

; make the definitions and functions from the 2htdp/image module
;     available in this file

(require 2htdp/image)

; REMINDER: Pair-programming:
; *   TWO students working at ONE computer
; *   ONE student, student A, OPENS a copy of this file in
;     DrRacket
; *   the OTHER student, student B, says what to type, and student A
;     types it into this file
; *   BOTH students should be looking at the shared computer screen,
;     and discussing concepts/issues along the way

; USING pair-programming:
; 1. COPY and PASTE the contents of this file into a DrRacket
;    Definitions window
; 2. ADD comments and expressions TO THIS as specified below
;    (one student saying what to type, the other student typing it
;    into DrRacket)
;        ********
;    *   DO NOT DELETE THE COMMENTS! They speed up grading!
;        ********
; 3. RUN the resulting file frequently along the way, fixing
;    any errors that arise (and SAVE the definitions window 
;    to the driver's Google Drive, say as lab2.rkt)
; (Need help with an error? Or just have a question?
;  *   If needed, comment out the line(s) with an error in the,
;      meantime, putting ; at the beginning of each such line
;  *   Let the lab instructor know if you have a question
;  *   Note that if they are helping others, it might be a while until
;      they can get to you. Try to work on later problems while you
;      wait, and it is also fine for pairs to help each other!)
; 4. When you are done, use Gmail to MAIL a copy of the
;    resulting filled-in lab2.rkt file to BOTH of you
; 5. And, EACH of you should SUBMIT this file on Canvas

; Leave a blank line, and then put COMMENT(s) containing BOTH
;     of your names:

; PROBLEM 1 - DEFINING and USING named constants
;    (you only need signatures and purpose statements for FUNCTIONS --
;    they are NOT needed for Problem 1!)

; 1 part a
; Remember: MY-CHOICE, PURPLE-STAR, MAX-YOG, and BLUE-HEX are examples of
;     named constants in the Week 2 posted examples
; Define a named constant PAIR-NAMES of type string
;     whose value is your names.

; Now write the now-simple-expression PAIR-NAMES,
;     and when you run this,
;     you should see PAIR-NAMES now has that value.

; 1 part b
; Reminder: function string-length expects a string, and returns the
;     number of characters in that string.
; Write a compound expression using PAIR-NAMES whose value will be
;     the number of characters in PAIR-NAMES

; 1 part c
; Consider the functions overlay and text; their signatures and purpose
;     purpose statement comments are given in the
;     "More DrRacket Tidbits" handout
;     (and of course they are described in the Racket Documentation
;     for 2htdp/image, also)
; Write a compound expression, using overlay, text, and other image
;     operations that you choose, that uses PAIR-NAMES within it,
;     whose value will be an image of your choice with an image-version
;     of PAIR-NAMES' value centered upon it.

; 1 part d
; Define a named constant, with a nicely-descriptive name written in
;     all-uppercase, whose value is a compound expression of
;     type image making use of at least two different functions from
;     2htdp/image.

; Now write your new named constant as a simple expression,
;     and when you run this,
;     you should see that it has an image value.

; 1 part e
; NOTE: function image-width expects an image, and returns the
;     width of that image in pixels.
; Write a compound expression using the named constant you defined
;     in 1 part d whose value is the WIDTH of your named constant
;     image in pixels.

; 1 part f
; Likewise, function image-height expects an image, and returns the
;     height of that image in pixels.
; Write a compound expression using the named constant you
;     defined in 1 part d whose value is the HEIGHT of your
;     named constant image in pixels.

; PROBLEM 2 - walking through the DESIGN RECIPE steps to
;     design a function

; REMEMBER: these steps are demo'd in the posted Week 2 Lecture 2
;     examples, in 111lect02-2.rkt, designing function triple
; AND: note that now there's a posted "graphic design recipe helper"
;     on the course Canvas home page and public course web site,
;     to remind you of these design recipe steps, also!

; FIRST, you THINK about the desired problem, and the kinds of values
;     it involves.
; Assume you would like a function to give a friendly greeting to
;     someone by name. Strings work well for representing names and
;     greetings.

; 2 part a
; After further consideration, it is decided the function's name
;     will be say-hi, and you want a name-specific greeting
;     based on a name.
; COMPLETE an appropriate signature comment for this function:

; signature: 

; 2 part b
; COMPLETE an appropriate purpose statement comment for this
;     function:

; purpose: expects 
;     and returns 

; 2 part c
; Write a function header for this function, giving a good descriptive
;     name for its parameter, and FOR NOW put ...
;     for its function body:

; 2 part d
; Write at least two check-expect expressions with two
;     example expressions USING/TESTING your
;     function-in-progress, with two DIFFERENT names:

; 2 part e
; Consider: how did you figure out the expected result for
;     each of your tests?
;     How could you do that in Racket? Where does your
;     parameter fit in that?
; GO BACK UP to 2 part c, and NOW replace the ... in its
;     function body with an expression, using the parameter,
;     that will give the result
;     desired.

; 2 part f
; Write at least one example call of your function here, so
;     you can see its actual result in the Interactions window
;     when this is run.

; Now SAVE your Definitions window, and click Run --
;     *   Do your tests pass?
;     *   Does the resulting greeting for your
;         example call from 2 part f look reasonable?
; If not, debug your function and its tests as needed.
; If so, you are done with this lab exercise.

; Remember: once you have Run these and are satisfied with them,
; *   Use Gmail to EMAIL copies of this file lab2.rkt
;     to BOTH of you
; *   BOTH of you should submit this file on Canvas:
;     *   go to the course Canvas site (canvas.humboldt.edu,
;         select your course CS 111)
;     *   click on "Modules" on the left-hand-side
;     *   scroll down to the "Lab Exercises" section
;     *   click the "Week 2 Lab Exercise" link
;     *   follow the Canvas instructions for uploading your
;         Racket file.