; Fall 2024 - CS 111
; Week 3 Lab Exercise
; date: 2024-09-13

; make the definitions and functions from these modules available
;     in this file

(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)

; REMINDER: Pair-programming:
; *   TWO students working at ONE computer
; *   ONE student, student A, OPENS a copy of this file in
;     DrRacket
; *   the OTHER student, student B, says what to type, and student A
;     types it into this file
; *   BOTH students should be looking at the shared computer screen,
;     and discussing concepts/issues along the way

; USING pair-programming:
; 1. COPY and PASTE the contents of this file into a 
;    DrRacket Definitions window
; 2. ADD comments and expressions TO THIS as specified below
;    (one student saying what to type, the other student typing it
;    into DrRacket)
;        ********
;    *   DO NOT DELETE THE COMMENTS! They speed up grading!
;        ********
; 3. RUN the resulting file frequently along the way, fixing
;    any errors that arise (and SAVE the definitions window 
;    to the driver's Google Drive, say as lab3.rkt)
; (Need help with an error? Or just have a question?
;  *   If needed, comment out the line(s) with an
;      error in the meantime, putting ; at the
;      beginning of each such line
;  *   Let the lab instructor know if you have a
;      question
;  *   Note that if they are helping others, it
;      might be a while until they can get to you.
;      Try to work on later problems while you
;      wait, and it is also fine for pairs to help
;      each other!)
; 4. When you are done, use Gmail to MAIL a copy of 
;    the resulting filled-in lab3.rkt file to BOTH
;    of you
; 5. And, EACH of you should SUBMIT this file on
;    Canvas

; Leave a blank line, and then put COMMENT(s)
;     containing BOTH of your names:

; PROBLEM 1 - Define some scene-related named
;             constants, and write some expressions
;             of type scene
;             (so, NO design recipe steps needed
;             here! 8-) )

; 1 part a 
; You are going to create some scene instances for
;     Problem 2 of today's lab exercise.
; Decide how wide and high you want your scenes to be;
;     define named constants SC-WIDTH and SC-HEIGHT
;     to be these values.

; 1 part b
; Define a named constant BACKDROP of type scene
;     whose size is SC-WIDTH by SC-HEIGHT.
; (It is YOUR CHOICE whether this scene is an
;     empty scene or has something in it.)

; 1 part c
; Use your named constant BACKDROP in a
;    place-image compound expression,
;    adding an image of your choice at x and y
;    coordinates of your choice to BACKDROP 

; PROBLEM 2 - write a function number-scene
; *HINT*: function number->string expects a
;     number, and returns that number as a string

(string=? (number->string 13)

; *HINT*: function text expects a string,
;     font size, and color, and returns an image
;     version of that string in that font size
;     and color.

(text "Howdy" 55 "darkgreen")

; 2 part a
; Using the DESIGN RECIPE, design a function
;     number-scene that expects a number, and returns
;     a scene displaying that number.
; (the user of this function gives JUST the number they
;     want to see in a scene -- you as the programmer
;     get to decide on the size and color it will
;     always be displayed using, and where in the
;     scene it will always be placed.)
; It should use Problem 1's named constants.

; 2 part b
; Write at least one compound expression whose operation
;     is your function number-scene, so you can see its 
;     actual result in the Interactions window when this
;     is run.

; PROBLEM 3 - write a big-bang expression using
;     add1 and number-scene
; REMINDER: add1 expects a number, and returns
;     that number with 1 added to it

(= (add1 13)

; Write a big-bang expression with
; *   a first argument that is a number of your
;     choice
; *   a second argument that is (on-tick add1)
; *   a third argument that is (to-draw number-scene)
; SEE what this displays! 

; PROBLEM 4 - write a big-bang expression using
;     sub1 and number-scene
; REMINDER: Racket also has a sub1 function, that
;     expects a number, and returns that number with
;     1 subtracted from it

(= (sub1 13)

; Write a big-bang expression with
; *   a first argument that is a number of your choice
; *   a second argument that is (on-tick sub1)
; *   a third argument that is (to-draw number-scene)
; SEE what this displays!
; (NOTE: now that you have TWO big-bang expressions,
;     you'll have to CLOSE the first big-bang
;     expression's World window before the second
;     big-bang expression will start!)

; Remember: once you have Run these and are satisfied
;     with them,
; *   Use Gmail to EMAIL copies of this file lab3.rkt
;     to BOTH of you
; *   BOTH of you should submit this file on Canvas