===== CS 111 - Week 10 Labs - 2024-11-01 ===== ===== TODAY WE WILL: ===== * announcements/prep for next class * demo: another string method: substr * review clicker questions * Week 10 Lab Exercise ===== * should be finishing up Homework 8! (at-least-first attempts must be submitted by 11:59 pm tonight, Friday, November 1) * watch for class emails when HOMEWORK 9 is available! ===== * added a description of the string class at method to Week 10 Lecture 2's notes ===== * here's a quick description of the string class substr method: * this method is said to be overloaded! * this means there are two versions with the same name! * the compiler can tell them apart because one version expects TWO arguments, and one expects just ONE * two-argument version: expects the position to start (0-based) and how many characters to grab, and returns a string whose contents are the characters from the calling string starting at that position and grabbing that many * one-argument version: expects the position to start (0-based), and returns a string whose contents are the characters from the calling string starting at that position and grabbing until the end of the calling string * you can see a quick demo of these in substr-demo.cpp, posted with these notes