CS 111 - Week 11 Labs - 2024-11-08

*   announcements/prep for next class
*   review clicker questions
*   Week 11 Lab Exercise

*   should be working on Homework 9,
    at-least-1st-attempts due by 11:59 pm on Friday, November 8

*   important upcoming schedule notes!

    *   TODAY, Friday, November 8 - WILL be a lab exercise (on switch
	*   at-least-first-attempts at Homework 9 due by
	    11:59 pm on Friday

    *   TUESDAY, November 12
        *   graded Exam 1s will be returned during class
	    (so you can look over them before taking Exam 2!)

        *   will continue discussing LOCAL VARIABLES and related topics

        *   ALSO: have your final versions of
            Homeworks 7-9 submitted
            by 11:59 pm on TUESDAY, November 12,

    *   WEDNESDAY, November 13
        *   ...so example solutions can be posted
            for Exam 2 study purposes by
	    12:01 am on WEDNESDAY, November 13

        *   Raul, CS 111's Learning Assistant,
	    will give an EXAM 2 REVIEW SESSION on WEDNESDAY, November 13,
	    in BSS 302 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm 

    *   THURSDAY, November 14 -
        *   Exam 2 study guide *bonus* is due by 9:00 am on Canvas
	*   Exam 2 given in class (in GH 218) from 9:00 - 10:20 am

    *   Friday, November 15 - there WILL be a lab exercise!
    *   and Homework 10 will come out after this