  Fall 2024 - CS 111
  Week 11 Lab Exercise

  date: 2024-11-08

    USING pair-programming
    *   COPY and PASTE the contents of this 
        file into a lab11.cpp file within the CS50 IDE

    *   ADD the parts asked for below
        (one student saying what to type,
        the other student typing it into the CS50 IDE)

    *   each time you want to compile:
        in a CS50 terminal that is open to the folder         
        CONTAINING this .cpp file, 
        ("Open in Integrated Terminal"), type:
        g++ lab11.cpp -o lab11

    *   IF it compiles with no errors:
        to run: in that same CS50 terminal that is open to the folder
        CONTAINING this .cpp file, type:


    *   When you are satisfied with its output, create an
        example output file by typing:

        ./lab11 > lab11-out.txt

    *   Download copies of your resulting lab11.cpp and lab11-out.cpp
        by right-clicking on their names in the file explorer on the
        left of the CS50 IDE, and use Gmail to MAIL a copy of these
        files to BOTH of you.

    *   And, EACH of you should SUBMIT these TWO files
        lab11.cpp and lab11-out.txt to Canvas


    last modified: 2024-11-08

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

/*--- WEEK 11 LAB EXERCISE - PROBLEM 1 ---*/

    The purpose of this problem is to make sure that you are familiar
    with the class indentation style for switch statements.

    LOOK over Week 11 - Lecture 1's posted example function describe_grade,
    showing the required class style for C++ switch statements:

        case value1:

        case value2:



    The following function header and body for function lookity are
    syntactically correct, but their style does NOT follow class
    coding standards!

    So -- MODIFY the function below to FOLLOW the class style!

    (The function lookity is called in the main function below, so you 
    can make sure it still works after you fix its style.)

    NOTE!! The instructor will HAPPILY check over your answer IN LAB
    before you submit this and let you know if your version meets
    class style!!! <-- just ask!
/*--- IMPROVE the FORMATTING of this WORKING function

string lookity(int answer){switch
case 1: return "Answer: 1"; break; case
2: return
"Answer: 2"; break;
case 3: return "Answer: 3"; 
break; case 4: return "Answer: 4"; break; default: return "Invalid answer";}}

/*--- WEEK 11 LAB EXERCISE - PROBLEM 2 --- */

    Consider the following chart, showing Roman numeral symbols and
    their corresponding values:

    'I'     1
    'V'     5
    'X'    10
    'L'    50
    'C'   100
    'D'   500
    'M'  1000

    Use the design recipe to design and write a C++ function
    roman_val that expects a single character, and if it is one
    of those above in the chart, it returns its value as shown in this
    chart; otherwise, it returns 0.

    For FULL credit:
    *   appropriately use a switch statement in this function.
    *   be sure to include all the tests needed for a function
        using this kind of data!





/*--- WEEK 11 LAB EXERCISE - PROBLEM 3 ---*/

    Consider: there are times (such as when you are converting words
    into pig latin) when you'd like to know if a letter is a vowel or
    not. For our purposes here, assume that a vowel is a, e, i, o, u,
    A, E, I, O, or U.

    Use the design recipe to design and write a C++ function
    is_vowel that expects a single character, and if it is a vowel
    (according to the list above), it returns true; otherwise,
    it returns false.

    For FULL credit:
    *   appropriately use a switch statement in this function.
    *   be sure to include all the tests needed for a function
        using this kind of data!





   test the functions above

int main()
    cout << boolalpha;

    cout << "*** Making sure Problem 1's function lookity runs ***" 
         << endl;

    cout << "lookity: " << lookity(3) << endl;

    cout << "*** Testing: roman_val ***" << endl;

    // copy each of roman_val's test expressions into a 
    //     cout statement to print its result

    // cout << () << endl; 

    cout << "*** Testing: is_vowel ***" << endl;

    // copy each of is_vowel's test expressions into a 
    //     cout statement to print its result

    // cout << () << endl; 

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;