  Fall 2024 - CS 111
  Week 12 Lab Exercise

  date: 2024-11-15

    USING pair-programming
    *   COPY and PASTE the contents of this 
        file into a lab12.cpp file within the CS50 IDE

    *   ADD the parts asked for below
        (one student saying what to type,
        the other student typing it into the CS50 IDE)

    *   each time you want to compile:
        in a CS50 terminal that is open to the folder         
        CONTAINING this .cpp file, 
        ("Open in Integrated Terminal"), type:
        g++ lab12.cpp -o lab12

    *   IF it compiles with no errors:
        to run: in that same CS50 terminal that is open to the folder
        CONTAINING this .cpp file, type:


    *   (BUT, because the interactive input in today's
        lab makes redirected output problematic,
        you do NOT need to submit a .txt file THIS time!)

    *   Download a copy of your resulting lab12.cpp
        by right-clicking on its names in the file explorer on the
        left of the CS50 IDE, and use Gmail to MAIL a copy of this
        files to BOTH of you.

    *   And, EACH of you should SUBMIT this file
        lab12.cpp to Canvas


    last modified: 2024-11-15

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

/*--- COPIED from CS 111 - Week 10 Lecture 1 ---*/

    signature: name_length: string string -> int
    purpose: expects a first name and a last name,
        and returns the total length of the full
        name (first and last combined)
        name_length("Jonathan", "Vex") == 11
        name_length("Holly", "Dawn") == 9

int name_length(string first_name, string last_name)
    return first_name.length() +

/*--- COPIED from CS 111 - Week 10 Lecture 2 ---*/

    signature: porridge_state: double -> string
    purpose: expects a porridge temperature (in Fahrenheit),
        and returns a string, "mama-approved", "papa-approved",
        or "baby-approved" based on the following:
        Mama Bear's pref: < 50 degrees
        Papa Bear's pref: > 80 degrees
        Baby Bear's pref: in [50, 80]
        porridge_state(34) == "mama-approved"
        porridge_state(50) == "baby-approved"
        porridge_state(65) == "baby-approved"
        porridge_state(80) == "baby-approved"
        porridge_state(99) == "papa-approved"

string porridge_state(double porridge_temp)
    if (porridge_temp < 50)
        return "mama-approved";
    else if (porridge_temp <= 80)
        return "baby-approved";
        return "papa-approved";

// desired maximum total length of a first+last name
//     before we would prefer a first initial be used

const int NAME_LENGTH_MAX = 30;

    signature: pretty_name_2: string string -> string
    purpose: expects a first name and a last name,
        and if the combined length of both is less
        than NAME_LENGTH_MAX, return a string with
        the last name, a comma and blank, and the first name,
        OTHERWISE, it returns a string with the last name,
        a comma and blank, and the first letter in the
        first name (their initial) followed by a period
        pretty_name_2("Jo", "Williams") == "Williams, Jo"
                      "Wendell-Johnson") ==
            "Wendell-Johnson, E."
                      "Graham-Bell-Johnson") ==
            "Graham-Bell-Johnson, A."


string pretty_name_2(string first_name, string last_name)
     if (name_length(first_name, last_name)
             < NAME_LENGTH_MAX)
        return last_name + ", " + first_name;
        return last_name + ", "
	       + first_name.at(0) + '.';

/*--- ADAPTED from CS 111 - Week 10 Lecture 1 ---*/

    signature: describe_grade: char -> string
    purpose: expects a letter grade, and returns
        the desired description for that grade,
        as follows:

        A or a - Excellent
        B or b - Very Good
        C or c - Acceptable
        T or t - Try Again

        BUT if given an unrecognized grade,
        it returns "Unrecognized Grade"

        describe_grade('A') == "Excellent"
        describe_grade('B') == "Very Good"
        describe_grade('C') == "Acceptable"
        describe_grade('T') == "Try Again"
        describe_grade('a') == "Excellent"
        describe_grade('b') == "Very Good"
        describe_grade('c') == "Acceptable"
        describe_grade('t') == "Try Again"
        describe_grade('F') == "Unrecognized Grade"

string describe_grade(char grade)
    string desired_descr = "";

    switch (grade)
        case 'A':
        case 'a':
            desired_descr =  "Excellent";

        case 'B':
        case 'b':
            desired_descr =  "Very Good";

        case 'C':
        case 'c':
            desired_descr = "Acceptable";

        case 'T':
        case 't':
            desired_descr = "Try Again";

            desired_descr = "Unrecognized Grade";

    return desired_descr;

   interactive front-end making use of the functions above

int main()
    cout << boolalpha;
    cout << endl;

        Declare TWO local variables appropriate for holding a person's
        FIRST name and LAST name:


        Use cout to ask the user to enter a desired FIRST name,
        then use cin with >> and your local variable for a person's
            FIRST name to assign to that variable what the user enters:

        Use cout to ask the user to enter a desired LAST name,
        then use cin with >> and your local variable for a person's
            LAST name to assign to that variable what the user enters:

    cout << endl;
    cout << "The length of this person's name is: ";

        Use cout to print to the screen the value of the expression
           calling name_length with your now-filled local variables for a person's
           FIRST and LAST names:

    cout << "The pretty_name_2 version of this person's name is: ";

        Use cout to print to the screen the value of the expression
           calling pretty_name_2 with your now-filled local variables for a person's
           FIRST and LAST names:

    cout << endl;
        Declare ONE local variable appropriate for holding a person's
        preferred porridge temperature:

        Use cout to ask the user to enter that person's preferred
            porridge temperature,
        then use cin with >> and your local variable for a person's
            preferred porridge temperature to assign to that variable 
            what the user enters:

    cout << endl;
    cout << "Fun fact: this person's porridge temperature has the recommendation: "
         << endl << "    ";

        Use cout to print to the screen the value of the expression
           calling porridge_state with your now-filled local variable for a person's
           preferred porridge temperature:

    cout << endl;

        Declare ONE local variable appropriate for holding a person's
        grade to be described:

        Use cout to ask the user to enter that person's grade to be described,
        then use cin with >> and your local variable for a person's
            grade to be described to assign to that variable 
            what the user enters:

    cout << endl;
    cout << "The description for this person's grade is: ";

        Use cout to print to the screen the value of the expression
           calling describe_grade with your now-filled local variable for a person's
           grade to be described:

    cout << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;