===== CS 111 - Week 1 Lecture 1 - 2024-09-27 ===== * [this is being built AFTER class -- to simulate what I might have typed to be displayed during class if my laptop had cooperated!] ===== TODAY WE WILL ===== * intros * CS 111's "big idea" * syllabus highlights * basic course structure * maybe more ===== * Reading: do the reading listed in the syllabus, in the "Tentative Course Schedule" section, for Week 1 * I'll also try to post them at the "Reading Assignments" link on the public and Canvas course pages ===== * a computer program is a specific, finite, ordered list of instructions for doing some task on a computer * IDE - Integrated Development Environment DrRacket IDE - using Beginning Student Language of Racket * syntax: grammar rules for a programming language * semantics: what do those programming expressions and statements mean