CS 111 - Week 1 Lecture 2 - 2024-08-29

*   announcements
*   Tuesday's belated demos
*   intro Racket's simple expressions and basic data types
*   intro Racket's compound expressions
*   prep for next class

    *   syntax: grammar rules for a programming language

        *   but stricter than natural language syntax --
	    if your program does not follow the syntax,
	    the computer cannot DO anything with it;

    *   semantics: what do those programming expressions and
        statements mean

        *   a program can have syntax the computer recognizes,
	    but if its meaning is different than you intend,
	    what the program DOES will be different than you

*   expression - a "chunk" in a computer
    language that has a value

    simple expression - the smallest "chunk" in a computer
    language that has a value

    *   simple expressions can be literal values,
        or a name representing a value

    *   each value has a data type,
        and in BSL Racket the syntax you use for a literal
	simple expression determines its data type

*   also see: the comments in today's BSL Racket in-class
    examples for intros to:
    *   four basic BSL Racket data types
    *   the syntax for literal simple expressions of
        each of these types
    *   the syntax for BSL Racket compound expressions