CS 111 - Week 3 Lecture 2 - 2024-09-12

*   announcements
*   continuing intro to scene type
*   intro to the function big-bang
*   prep for next class

*   should be working on Homework 2
    *   at-least-first-attempts due by 11:59 pm this Friday,
        September 13

    *   submit early, submit often!

a bit more about the scene type
*   from module 2htdp/image
*   also provides two basic operations on scene type data,
    two functions:


; signature: empty-scene: number number -> scene
; purpose: expects a desired scene's width and height
;    in pixels, and returns a blank scene of that
;    width and height

; signature: place-image: image number number scene -> scene
; purpose: expects a desired image, a desired x and y location,
;    and a desired scene, and returns a new scene with
;    that image at that location in that scene

*   NOTE: in a BSL Racket scene (as in a number of graphics
    libraries), the coordinate system is based on old
    CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors (whose screens refreshed
    from left-to-right, top-to-bottom)

    *   so, for these, it was convenient for
        larger x to be further right, and
        larger y to be further down:

 (0,0)    1    2    3  x
   1 -
   2 -
   3 -
   y v

     *   that's what place-image uses!

         *   so when you call place-image with, say:

             (place-image (circle 5 "solid" "black")
			  (empty-scene 150 100))

             ...you get a scene of little 10-pixel diameter
	        black circle centered at 20 across, 70 down
		(in a scene of size 150 pixels wide,
		                    100 pixels tall)