CS 111 - Week 4 Lecture 2 - 2024-09-19

*   announcements
*   review cond
*   refactoring example
*   another example: dropping penguins!
*   interval data, enumeration data
*   example with enumeration data
*   prep for next class

*   should be starting Homework 3;
    deadline/at least first attempts due by this Friday, Sept. 20

    *   submit early, submit often!

intervals and enumerations!
interval data and enumeration data
*   these both happen to be kinds of data where
    branching is useful!

*   from course text:
    "An interval is a class of ... numbers via boundaries"
    *   these boundaries tend to define a finite number of categories
    *   but each category MIGHT contain many things!

    *   one approach in a function involving interval data
        is to have a cond with a branch for each category
	of data (for each category of numbers)
        *   (you might find you can refactor and use fewer
	    branches, or even no branches -- BUT this is a
	    good place to start!)

    *   CS 111 class style:
        for interval data, you need at least one test per category
	and at least one test per boundary between categories

    *   functions banana-report, bad-star-size?, and draw-penguin-scene
        are functions involving intervals

*   There's also ENUMERATION data -- (text calls them enumerations)
    *   when your data is a value from a relatively small number
        of discrete, specific values

    *   like the possible colors of a traffic light!
        like the possible arrow keys on a game controller!
	like the possible answers for a multiple-choice question!

    *   one approach in a function involving enumeration data
        is to have a cond with a branch for each value in the
	PLUS an else branch if the function's purpose describes
	something to do in the case of some other value

        *   (again, you might find you can refactor and use fewer
	    branches, or even no branches -- BUT this is a
	    good place to start!)

    *   CS 111 class style: you do need a test for each of the
        enumeration's values -- and IF your function's purpose
        specifies a particular result for a value NOT in the
        enumeration, you should include a test for that also

    *   function next-sound, in today's in-class examples,
        is a function involving an enumeration