===== CS 111 - Week 5 Lecture 1 - 2024-09-24 ===== ===== TODAY WE WILL: ===== * announcements * intro to big-bang's on-key clause (to handle keyboard events) * intro to itemization data * if time: intro to the idea of a DATA STRUCTURE * prep for next class ===== * should be starting Homework 4 * at-least-1st-attempts in by Friday, September 27 * submit early, submit often ===== big-bang clause: on-key ===== * so that a keyboard event -- the act of typing a key on the keyboard while big-bang is running -- can be handled to affect the world * on-key expects the name of a function that expects TWO arguments: * the current world value * a string representing the key that was typed and that function should return whatever the new world-value should be (as a result of that key being typed) * (note: big-bang calls this function for you when a key is typed, and it is ALREADY part of big-bang to be able to determine a string to correspond to a typed key) =====