CS 111 - Week 6 Lecture 2 - 2024-10-03

*   announcements
*   reminders (list-related)
*   how to write a file in Racket
*   more functions that "walk through" a list
*   prep for next class

*   should be working on Homework 5
    *   at least 1st-attempts due by 11:59 pm this Friday,
        October 4

*   EXAM 1 - Tuesday, October 15 - a week from next Tuesday
*   next week:
    *   Tuesday, October 8 - REVIEW for Exam 1

    *   Thursday, October 10 - recorded set of more-list-examples,
        because instructor traveling to a conference!

        *   THERE WILL BE an Learning-Assistant-Led EXAM STUDY SESSION
	    on the afternoon of ***Thursday, October 10***,
	    time to be determined and announced on TUESDAY, OCT 8

        *   Please ANSWER the 1-question anonymous SURVEY in
	    CANVAS by 11:59 pm on Sunday, October 6, to help us
	    in finding a reasonable time for this!

    *   Friday, October 11 - NO labs, please work on Homework 6
        (and any improved problems you wish to improve before
	the deadline to submit any improved homework parts for

    *   SINCE Example solutions for Homeworks 1-6 will be POSTED
        starting at 12:01 am on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13,

        then, to be accepted for credit,
	any IMPROVED parts of Homeworks 1-6 must be submitted BY
	11:59 pm on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12