CS 111 - Week 10 Lecture 2 - 2024-10-31

*   announcements
*   several examples of functions using if statements
*   prep for next class

*   should be working on Homework 8 -
    at-least-first-attempts are due by 11:59 pm tomorrow,
    Friday, November 1!

*   get ready for Spring 2025 preregistration!
    get your schedule ready, talk to your advisor, etc.!

reminder: string method at
*   (mentioned in a clicker question during Week 10 Lecture 1)

*    the at method expects an int, a position within a string,
     and returns a char, the character at that position
     within the string.
     (The only odd part? positions start at 0...!
     *    The first character's position is 0 -- 0 steps from the beginning;
     *    the second character's position is 1: 1 step from the beginning;
     and so on...)

     so? if you declare:
     const string LOOKY = "DEMO";

     these are bool expressions whose value is true:

     LOOKY.at(0) == 'D'
     LOOKY.at(1) == 'E'
     LOOKY.at(2) == 'M'
     LOOKY.at(3) == 'O'