CS 111 - Week 11 Lecture 1 - 2024-11-05

*   Announcements
*   Intro to C++ switch statement
*   Intro to local variables (and maybe cin?)
*   Prep for next class

*   should be working on Homework 9,
    at-least-1st-attempts due by 11:59 pm on Friday, November 8

*   important upcoming schedule notes!
    SUBJECT TO CHANGE depending on cs50 IDE status...!!!
    *** UPDATED these on Wednesday, November 6, after considering
        cs50 IDE issues plus other factors ***
    *   Thursday, November 7 - review for Exam 2
        *   there will again be a handout of review suggestions
	*   you will again be able to make a handwritten notes
	    page that you can submit a photo of for bonus credit
	    and use during the exam

    *   Friday, November 8 - WILL be a lab exercise (on switch
	*   at-least-first-attempts at Homework 9 due by
	    11:59 pm on Friday

    *   TUESDAY, November 12
        *   graded Exam 1s will be returned during class
	    (so you can look over them before taking Exam 2!)

        *   will continue discussing LOCAL VARIABLES and related topics

        *   ALSO: have your final versions of
            Homeworks 7-9 submitted
            by 11:59 pm on TUESDAY, November 12,

    *   WEDNESDAY, November 13
        *   ...so example solutions can be posted
            for Exam 2 study purposes by
	    12:01 am on WEDNESDAY, November 13

        *   Raul, CS 111's Learning Assistant,
	    will give an EXAM 2 REVIEW SESSION on WEDNESDAY, November 13,
	    in BSS 302 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm 

    *   THURSDAY, November 14 -
        *   Exam 2 study guide *bonus* is due by 9:00 am on Canvas
	*   Exam 2 given in class (in GH 218) from 9:00 - 10:20 am

intro to the C++ switch statement
*   a special-purpose branching statement
    *   possibly the fact that it can be implemented very efficiently
        helps explain why it exists in the form it does...
*   when should you consider using this?
    *   when making exactly 1 choice from 2 or more choices
    *   AND those choices are between options you represent as
        an integer-based type

        *   C++ integer-based types include:
	    *   int
	    *   char
	    *   bool
	    *   enumerated types


    switch (int_or_char_or_bool_expr)
        case value1:

        case value2:
	    statement 3;


	    statement 4;

    *   the switch's int_or_char_or_bool_expr is

    *   then it is compared to each case's value
        until one is found that's EQUAL to it

        and at that point, it starts executing
	that case's statements and continues until:
        *   a break is reached, which causes a
            jump to the end of the switch's block

        *   a return is reached, which causes
            the function to be ended and the
            specified value returned

        *   the end of the switch is reached

    *   if NO cases' values match,
        the default section's actions are done
        (if there is a default section)

        no default, and none match?
        ...the switch will do nothing!

*   see example: describe_grade

*   NOTE -- if two values have the SAME action,
    can use that "falling through" behavior to
    good effect!

    // desired_statement1 and desired_statement2 will be
    //    done for a switch expression of 'a' OR 'A'

    case 'a':
    case 'A':

*   common switch statement errors to
    *   remember the colon after the case's

        case 'A':

    *   remember the switch expression
        HAS to be "integer based" --
        for example, it CANNOT be double, it CANNOT be string

    *   especially when the switch's actions
        are not return, remember those break
        statements! (else can get errors
        from the "falling through" action...)

    *   avoid putting logical conditions
        in the case's values...!
        the resulting true or false will
        be compared to the switch expression,
	in that case!
*   you may ONLY use a break statement in switch statements!!!!!!!!

*   (and you are NOT allowed to use continue statements in CS 111)

local (non-parameter) variables
*   a 4th use for identifiers!

*   strictly speaking, parameters are local variables, because
    their scope is local to the function body;
    BUT assume for this course that when I say "local variables",
    I mean local (non-parameter) variables!

*   local variables are declared INSIDE a block:

       ...INSIDE a set of curly braces...

    and their SCOPE (the place they have meaning) is JUST
    within that block

*   so far we have been using a functional style of
    programming... (not using local variables whose values change)

    But -- local variables CAN be given values,
    and they can have those values CHANGED....
    ...the fancy word for this is MUTATION

*   in a style of programming called imperative programming,
    you might find it useful to have a local (non-parameter) variable
    whose value can change during a function...

*   think of a local variable not like in math so much,
    but as the name of a location in memory that I
        can put different values into over time
	(it only has ONE value at a time)

    useful mental model: think of a local variable as
    a box that can hold one value of that variable's type
    *   you can change what's in it -- that REPLACES the previous value

*   WHY might you do this?
    *   to help control a function! (a variable whose value keeps track
        of, say, how much you have done, so you know when to stop)

    *   to hold a value the function has just obtained from the
        user or a file (or etc.)

    *   to hold a "running" result

    *   etc.! (there are also more!)

    *   and sometimes you just want to give a name to
        some computation that's not quite a function that you
        want to reuse a few times in a function

*   how do you declare a (non-parameter) local variable?

    INSIDE a block:


    ...you put a type and then the desired variable name:

        int quant;           // quant is a local variable of type int
        string next_movie;   // next_movie is a local variable of type string
        double movie_price;  // movie_price is a local variable of type double
	bool found_it;       // found_it is a local variable of type bool

    now -- STYLE RULE!!!!!!! - you should NOT assume these
    have a value until you GIVE them one -- you are supposed
    to INITIALIZE them before you USE them.
    *   (it is NOT part of the C++ language definition WHAT their
        value is if not yet initialized -- some COMPILERS may or may not
	put values in, but they are NON-standard, and NOT to be
	depended upon!)

    *   at least 3 ways to initialize a local variable:

    1. I can assign a value when I declare it (using = followed  by
       any expression of a compatible type

        int quant = 0;   // quant now has the value 0
        string next_movie; 
        double movie_price;
	bool found_it;

    2. I can assign a value to it using an assignment statement.

       loc_var = compat_expr; // loc_var has the value of compat_expr

     	int quant = 0;	 // quant now has the value 0

        string next_movie;
	next_movie = "This Week's Feature";  // next_movie now has value of
	                                     //     a string version of
					     //     "This Week's Feature"
	double movie_price;
	bool found_it;

    3. I can read a value into it using interactive input,
       for example using the cin object and >> operator

     	int quant = 0;	 // quant now has the value 0

        string next_movie; 
	next_movie = "This Week's Feature";  // next_movie now has value of
	                                     //     a string version of
					     //     "This Week's Feature"
	double movie_price;

        cout << "What is the movie price? ";
	cin >> movie_price;                  // what user enters is converted
	                                     //    a double value and becomes
					     //    movie_price's value

	bool found_it;