CS 111 - Week 12 Lecture 1 - 2024-11-12

*   announcements
*   continue with local variables & interactve input
*   prep for next class

*   important upcoming schedule notes!

    *   TODAY - TUESDAY, November 12
        *   graded Exam 1s were returned during class
	    (so you can look over them before taking Exam 2!)

        *   continue discussing LOCAL VARIABLES and related topics

        *   ALSO: have your final versions of
            Homeworks 7-9 submitted
            by 11:59 pm on TUESDAY, November 12,

    *   WEDNESDAY, November 13
        *   ...so example solutions can be posted
            for Exam 2 study purposes by
	    12:01 am on WEDNESDAY, November 13

        *   Raul, CS 111's Learning Assistant,
	    will give an EXAM 2 REVIEW SESSION on WEDNESDAY, November 13,
	    in BSS 302 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm 

    *   THURSDAY, November 14 -
        *   Exam 2 study guide *bonus* is due by 9:00 am on Canvas
	*   Exam 2 given in class (in GH 218) from 9:00 - 10:20 am

    *   Friday, November 15 - there WILL be a lab exercise!
    *   and Homework 10 will come out after this

*   now that we are trying out changing the values
    in local variables...

*   it is considered POOR STYLE to change the value
    of a function's parameter within the function body
    (except for SPECIAL cases we will discuss,
    and will NOTE in the purpose statements of such functions)

*   quick reminder:

    *   the C++ iostream library creates both the objects
        cout and cin

        *   cout is an output stream object! connected by default
	    to standard output! (typically a console, or in the CS50 IDE
	    a Terminal)
	*   cin is an input stream object! connected by default
	    to standard input! (typically keyboard input)

            *   stream? thinking of input or output as a STREAM,
	        as a sequence, of characters;

    *   we can have the side-effect of writing to standard output
	by using cout and the << operator, and the expression whose
	value we wish to print:

	cout << desired_expr;

        *    the value of desired_expr will be written to standard
	     output, using cout's default formatting for a value of
	     that data type

   *    we can have the side-effect of reading from standard input
	by using cin and the >> operator, and the local variable
	or thing-you-can-assign-to you wish to be filled with the result:

        string sound;

        cout << "enter an animal sound: ";
	cin >> sound;

        *   BUT: when using cin with >>,
            HOW MUCH it reads (from the standard input stream, from
	    the keyboard) can be effected by the TYPE of the
	    local variable being read into!

        *   cin with >> and a string variable
            STOPS at a blank, tab, or newline character;

            if for the above you typed
la la la
            ...sound would contain JUST "la"!

        *   what if you WANT to read a blank? (really, what if you
	    want to read everything typed until typing enter/return?
	    until typing essentially a newline?)

            *   iostream provides a function named getline
	        that expects an input stream object and a string variable
	        and has the side effect of reading everything from that
	        input stream up until the next newline character,
	        and converts it to a string object and assigns it to
	        the given string variable

        string longer_sound;

        cout << "enter an animal sound: ";
	getline(cin, longer_sound);

        // NOW if the user enters
la la la
        // ... longer_sound WILL contain "la la la"!
BLOBBING into combinations of waffle toppings,
and here's the combos we ended up with:
*   NO toppings!
*   chocolate chips
*   maple syrup
*   fruit and honey
*   fruit
*   chocolate chips, butter, maple syrup, and whipped cream
*   peanut butter and bananas

WHAT IF ... we wanted a function that would
    ASK a user about desired toppings,
    and return a string containing their resulting
    waffle order? With ZERO or ALL or SOME of the
    above toppings?

    *   see function get_waffle_order in 111lect12-1.cpp
        to see our FIRST version of this,
	*   using a SEQUENCE of if statements
	    (because 0 or more of these choices may be

        *   using local variables
	    (to "build" a waffle order and to hold the
	    user's answers)

        *   and using interactive input to get the user's

        (also our first example of how testing gets...
	even *more* INTERESTING when side-effects are involved!)