    CS 111 - Week 12 Lecture 1 - 2024-11-12

    by: Sharon Tuttle
    last modified: 2024-11-12

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

    signature: get_waffle_order: void -> string
    purpose: expects nothing,
        has the SIDE-EFFECT of asking the user whether
            they want each of a choice of toppings,
        and returns their waffle order including the
            0-OR-MORE toppings they have requested
        when this is called,
            if the user answers n to EVERY topping when asked,

            get_waffle_order() == "waffle"

        when this is called,
            if the user answers y to EVERY topping when asked,

get_waffle_order() == "waffle + chocolate chips + maple syrup + fruit + honey + whipped cream + peanut butter + bananas + butter"

        when this is called,
            if the user answers y to JUST fruit and honey,

            get_waffle_order() == "waffle + fruit + honey"


string get_waffle_order()
    // start of a waffle order!

    string waffle_order = "waffle";

    // holds the latest user-topping answer

    char latest_answer;

    cout << "do you want chocolate chips? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + chocolate chips";

    cout << "... maple syrup? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + maple syrup";

    cout << "... fruit? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + fruit";

    cout << "... honey? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + honey";

    cout << "... whipped cream? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + whipped cream";

    cout << "... peanut butter? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + peanut butter";

    cout << "... bananas? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + bananas";

    cout << "... butter? (y for yes, anything else for no): "
         << endl;
    cin >> latest_answer;

    if (latest_answer == 'y')
        waffle_order = waffle_order + " + butter";

    return waffle_order;

   test the functions above

int main()
    cout << boolalpha;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "*** Testing: get_waffle_order ***" << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "TEST 1: Please answer n for EVERY question for this test!"
         << endl
         << "========================================================="
         << endl;

    string test_order_1 = get_waffle_order();

    cout << endl << "You should NOW see an order of JUST a waffle: "
         << endl
         << "========================================================="
         << endl
         << test_order_1
         << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "TEST 2: Please answer y for EVERY question for this test!"
         << endl
         << "========================================================="
         << endl;

    string test_order_2 = get_waffle_order();

    cout << endl << "You should NOW see an order of waffle with EVERYTHING: "
         << endl
         << "    chocolate chips, maple syrup, fruit, honey, whipped cream, "
         << endl
         << "    peanut butter, bananas, and butter: "
         << endl
         << "========================================================="
         << endl
         << test_order_2
         << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "TEST 3: Please answer y for JUST fruit and honey for this test!"
         << endl
         << "========================================================="
         << endl;

    string test_order_3 = get_waffle_order();

    cout << endl << "You should NOW see an order of waffle with JUST fruit and honey: "
         << endl
         << "========================================================="
         << endl
         << test_order_3
         << endl;

    // now, just playing around with an interactive "front end" for get_waffle_order:

    cout << endl << "NOW -- just to try it out interactively: "
         << endl << "==========================================" << endl;

    string user_order;

    user_order = get_waffle_order();

    cout << endl << "Your order is: "
         << user_order << endl
         << "Enjoy!" << endl << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;