CS 111 - Week 15 Lecture 1 - 2024-12-10

*   announcements
*   intro C++'s shorthand operators
*   intro C++'s "classic" for loop
*   prep for next class

*   Should be working on Homework 12!
    *    at-least-1st-attempts due by 11:59 pm Friday, Dec. 13

*   Please take the NSF Student Perceptions survey (link is in

*   Please consider completing the CS 111 Course Evalutions
    (see link next to Modules in Canvas)

*   Thursday, Dec 12: review for Final Exam

*   Friday, Dec 13: Week 15 Lab Exercise!
    *   get at-least-1st attempts at Homework 12 in by 11:59 pm Friday
        Dec 13

*   Sunday, Dec 15: 11:59 pm - any IMPROVED parts of Homeworks 10-12 are DUE

*   Monday, Dec 16: 12:01 am - EXAMPLE SOLUTIONS for Homeworks 10-12
    will be available on Canvas

*   Tuesday, Dec 17:
    ******************* 8:00 AM!!!!!!!!! **********************
    in GH 218 is the CS 111 Final Exam!

C++ shorthand operators
*   not vital/required --
    but they are convenient! (and frequently used!)

*   we end up changing local variables based on their
    previous value a lot!!

    blah = blah desired_op;

    ...these features are based on: gee, can I avoid
       repeating that local variable on BOTH sides
       of the assignment statment?

*   and another two are just for the common action
    of increasing something by 1 (or decreasing it by 1)

int count = 0;

    *   I can increase this by one using:

        count = count + 1;

    *   ALSO -- C++ has +=

        count += 1;
	same as:   count = count + 1;

        int amount = 100;
	amount += count;
	same as:   amount = amount + count;

    *   also has *=

        double total = 100.0;
	total *= 0.18;
	same as:   total = total * 0.18;

    *   also has -=

        amount -= count;
	same as:  amount = amount - count;

    *   also has /=

        total /= 3.0;
	same as:  total = total / 3.0;
Increment and Decrement operators
++ and --
*   MOST common thing that gets done to numeric variables?
    ...adding 1 to them;

*   ++ is an operator that adds 1 to a thing! (that can be assigned to)

    it can be PREFIX or POSTFIX

    ...you can put it BEFORE the thing or AFTER the thing

    int count = 0;
    count++;        // count is now 1
    ++count;        // count is now 2

    and -- is an operator that subtracts 1 from a thing! (that can be
    assigned to)

    count = 10;
    count--;       // count is now 9
    --count;       // count is now 8

*   but note: these are also expressions,
    they can be used on the RHS of an assignment statement
    with OTHER operators,
    so: what is the value of these as *expressions*?

    name++ - the value of this expression is name BEFORE it is increased
             by 1

    ++name - the value of this expression is name AFTER it is increased by

intro to C++ "classic" for loop

*   consider this common "pattern" for a while loop
    used in a count-controlled style:

int count = 0;

while (count < num_reps)
    do things;

*   count-controlled loops are COMMON,
    and it is TOOOO easy to forget to update the counter in the loop
    or to forget to initialize it before the loop;

    ...SO: the for statement is a specialized repetition statement
       especially useful for count-controlled loops

       *   OK, it also happens to give the compiler useful additional
           info the compiler can use to generate more-effecient code!


   for (<init-part>; <bool_expr-part>; <update-part>)

   *   like while and if statements, only ONE statement can be in
       a for loop body -- BUT that single statement can be a block
       doing more (but still considered a single statement by the

   when you reach a for loop:
   1.   the <init-part> part is done
   2.   then the <bool_expr-part> is checked;
        if true, do the for's body,
	         then do the <update-part> part,
		 then return to 2.
        if false, go to 3.
   3.   go to next statement after the loop


// this is ALMOST identical to the while earlier

for (int count = 0; count < num_reps; count++)
    do things;

*   the ONE difference: if you declare a variable in
    the <init> part, its scope is JUST the body of the
    for loop

    *   for the for loop above, if you tried to use count
        AFTER the for loop body, it would be considered an
	undeclared variable!

*   if you want/need the value later,
    declare your loop counter variable BEFORE the for loop:

    int count;

    for (count = 0; count < num_reps; ++count)
        do things;

    // now count is still part of the scope after the
    //     for loop body, and can be used

*   see refactored version of get_smallest now using a
    for loop in 111lect15-1.cpp