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Consider: we will now define an instantaneous description (ID) for a PDA,
so that we can more easily show its operation (or, in this case, show
that we understand the operation of a given PDA).
The current state of a PDA could be given as:
(current state, remaining input to be handled, stack contents)
remaining input's first symbol is assumed to be the one currently
being "pointed" at,
stack contents are assumed to be written so stack top is on the left;
You could then "trace" the action of a PDA as a series of ID's in this
form, say separated by |--, as so:
FIRST: Consider the PDA M discussed in Sipser and in lecture:
(d is used for delta throughout,
e is used for epsilon throughout,
and E might be used for sigma...)
M = ({q1, q2, q3, q4}, {0, 1}, {$, 0, 1}, d, q1, {q4}) where
d is defined as follows:
d(q1, e, e) --> { (q2, $) }
d(q2, 0, e) --> { (q2, 0) }
d(q2, 1, 0) --> { (q3, e) }
d(q3, 1, 0) --> { (q3, e) }
d(q3, e, $) --> { (q4, e) }
(...and all others are undefined)
So, let's consider the operation of this PDA on the string 000111, using
initial ID: (q1, 000111, empty)
(q1, 000111, empty) |-- (q2, 000111, $) (in state q1, without seeing an
input, push a $
onto the stack without first popping the
(in state q2, when input
0, push a 0 onto
stack without first popping the stack)
|-- (q2, 00111, 0$) (in state q2,
when input 0, push a 0 onto
stack without first popping the stack)
|-- (q2, 0111, 00$) (ditto)
|-- (q2, 111, 000$) (in state q2,
when input 1, when pop the
stack and see a 0 --- go to state q3 and
do not push onto the stack
|-- (q3, 11, 00$) (in state
q3, when input 1, when pop the
stack and see a 0 --- stay in state q3 and do
not do not push onto the stack
|-- (q3, 1, 0$) (in state
q3, when input 1, when pop the
stack and see a 0 --- stay in state q3 and do
not do not push onto the stack
|-- (q3, empty, $) (in state q3,
without seeing any input, when
pop the stack and see a $ --- go to state q4
and don't push anything onto the stack
|-- (q4, empty, empty)
...and, since we have exhausted all the input and are in a final state,
the string 000111 has been accepted by this PDA M.
Consider the language {wc(w^R) | w is in (0 + 1)*}. Here is a PDA that
accepts it:
M = ({q0, preC, postC, q3}, {0, 1, c}, {$, 0, 1, c}, d, q0, {q3}) where
d is defined as follows:
d(q0, e, e) --> { (preC, $) }
d(preC, 0, e) --> { (preC, 0)}
d(preC, 1, e) --> { (preC, 1)}
d(preC, c, e) --> { (postC, e )}
d(postC, 0, 0) --> { (postC, e )}
d(postC, 1, 1) --> { (postC, e )}
d(postC, e, $) --> { (p3, e )}
Consider the PDA ID's as this PDA processes the string 110c011:
(q0, 110c011, empty) |-- (preC, 110c011, $) |-- (preC, 10c011, 1$) |-- (preC, 0c011, 11$)
|-- (preC, c011, 011$) |-- (postC, 011, 011$) |-- (postC, 11, 11$)
|-- (postC, 1, 1$) |-- (postC, empty, $) |-- (p3, empty, empty)
...and, since we have exhausted all the input and are in a final state,
the string 110c011 has been accepted by this PDA M.
WHAT might I ask on a test in this area?
* I might give a formal description of a PDA, and ask for a series of
PDA ID's showing that some string is or is not accepted (to see if you
understand PDA operation);
* I might give a formal description of a PDA, and an ID for some point
in the processing of a string, and ask for the ID that would next result
(to see if you understand PDA operation);