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CIS 480 - Computer Theory
Spring Semester - 2000

Test 1 Review Notes

*   Test 1 covers material only from Chapters 0-2 of Sipser, and mostly 
chapters 1-2.
        *   Chapter 0's basics appear as needed within the Chapter 1- and 
        questions; they are unlikely to be the focus of questions;
*   if it was on the homework, it is fair game;
*   if we discussed it in class, it is fair game;
*   if it was in the reading and we "skipped" it, DON'T WORRY about that;
*   if it was in the reading and we discussed that topic, it is fair game;

*   (and, because of the still-"beta" nature of this course, I'll give 
you a bit more idea than I normally would what sort of questions to expect;)

*   reminder of "traditional" pumping lemma gaffes:
        *   please note: in pumping lemma proofs,
                *   you get to assume an n exists (a pumping length n 
		exists), and then
                *   YOU get to pick ANY string of at least that length, 
		accepted by the 

                *   BUT NOTE --- you cannot pick just ONE POSSIBLE 
		partitioning of that 
                string uvw --- we have to then show that NO POSSIBLE 
		partitioning uvw 
                exists such that u(v^i)w is also in the language;
                        *   (this is NOT permitted:  "here's A partition 
                        of my chosen string that cannot be pumped"; NO; 
			you've got to show that 
                        NO partition will work, of ALL possible 
			partitions into uvw;)

*   CHAPTER 1 - Regular Languages

        *   Deterministic Finite Automata
                *   what are they? 
                *   What are "restrictions" on them?
                        *   must have exactly 1 transition from each node 
			for every possible input;
                *   be comfortable with state diagrams/transition 
		diagrams for DFA's;
                        *   be sure to indicate start state with an 
			arrow, and accept states/final 
                        states with a double-circle;
                *   what is the language associated with a DFA?

                *   Q EX.: Given a particular DFA, be able to tell if a 
		given string is 
                ACCEPTED by that DFA or not;
                *   Q EX.: Given a description of a simple regular 
		language (could be as prose, 
                or as a regular expression, etc.), draw a transition 
		diagram for a DFA that 
                accepts that language;
                *   Q EX.: Given a DFA in 5-tuple form (Q, alphabet, 
		delta, start state, F), draw 
                a corresponding transition diagram.
                *   Q EX.: Given a transition diagram, draw the 
		corresponding 5-tuple;

        *   be comfortable with 5-tuple "formal" FA definition;
        *   what's the difference between a DFA and a NFA?
                *   given a transition diagram, could you tell if it was 
		a DFA or an NFA?
                *   given a 5-tuple, could you tell if it was a DFA or an 
        *   what does "nondeterminism" mean, in terms of FA's?
        *   what is an epsilon-move?
        *   be able to READ NFA's (with and without epsilon moves)
                *   be able to write the "tree of possibilities" for an NFA
                *   what does it mean for an NFA to accept a string? WHEN 
		is an NFA said to 
                accept a string? what is the language associated with an NFA?
        *   EQUIVALENCE of NFA's and DFA's
        *   (note --- the term FA is assumed to encompass both NFA's and 

        *   what are the regular operations? What does it mean, that the 
	class of regular 
        languages is closed under these regular operations? How can one 
	then use the 
        regular operations in proving some languages regular?

        *   what is a R.E.? What does it do? (describes a regular language!)
                *   what are concatenation, union, star?
                *   how are regular expressions built using these 
		operations on languages?
        *   be able to READ them, WRITE them
        *   be able to tell if a string is a member of the language 
	described by a RE
        *   EQUIVALENCE of RE's, FA's
                *   (I would expect you to understand the proof of how 
		there is an FA accepting 
                every RE --- that's the nifty induction proof with the 

        * what are some ways FA's can be used? Why/when can FA's be useful?

        *   pumping lemma
                *   using pumping lemma to prove langs are not regular

        *   note too --- can show a lang is regular by
                *   developing ANY FA for it;
                *   writing an RE for it;
                *   showing it's the result of a closure op with another 
		regular set;

*   (do note, then --- you have a VARIETY of ways of telling if a 
language is regular or not; be familiar with them! I could give 
scenarios, and ask if you know that the language in that scenario is 
regular, not regular, or you can't be sure with what's given)

*   CHAPTER 2 - Context-Free Languages

        *   how do these differ from regular languages, in general? how 
	are they related to 
        regular languages? 

        *   how can they be used to generate languages? what class of 
	languages do they 
        *   in what kind of studies were they first used? they are often 
	used in the 
        specification of what?
        *   be able to read, write CFG's, and answer questions about them
        *   variables/nonterminals, terminals, start variable/start 
	nonterminal, production 
        rules/substitution rules --- what are they, can you recognize 
	them in a given CFG?
        *   how can you generate a string using a CFG?
        *   what is the language associated with a CFG?
        *   what is a derivation? Be able to give one for a given CFG;
        *   what is a parse tree/derivation tree? Be able to give one for 
	a given CFG;
        *   be comfortable with the formal definition of a CFG

        *   what does it mean for a CFG to be ambiguous? How can you 
	prove a CFG is 
        ambiguous? What is a leftmost derivation?

        *   what are they? How do they differ from FA's? 
        *   if a language is accepted by a PDA, what does that imply 
	about the existence of a 
        CFG for that language? Of what class of languages does that mean 
	that language is a 
                *   can you prove that all regular languages are 
	context-free, using PDA's?
        *   basically, how does a PDA work?
        *   be comfortable with the formal definition of a PDA;
        *   be comfortable with the PDA handout given out, and be able to 
	write/read PDA 
        instantaneous descriptions (ID's)
        *   PDA's are nondeterministic --- consider the subset of PDA's 
	that happen to be 
        deterministic. Are they equivalent in terms of languages accepted 
	to PDA's in 

        *   is there a pumping lemma for CFL's? What can it be used for?