Please send questions to .
CIS 480 - Spring 2001
HW #6
Due: Monday, April 16, 2001, beginning of lecture
Remember the class style standards at the end of this handout...
Note that you need to write 3 distinct, different Java programs for
this assignment. (You MUST send AT LEAST 3 e-mails, with the Subject:
lines,, and
If you meet the minimum requirements below, that up to 90% credit. If
you do something interesting in these programs, that's how you can
get up to 100%. Note that the possibilities given below do count as
"interesting" in this sense.
1. [20%] Write an AWT applet or application using an AWT frame that involves
NON-double-buffered animation.
* you must include your name somewhere within your
applet or application;
* you may choose to extend Thread or implement Runnable;
* you pick the image or images; anything but the train...
* animate it in some interesting way besides strictly
horizontal, vertical, in a straight line, or totally random
jumping about;
* incorporate nicely-placed start and stop buttons to
resume and suspend the animation in a proper, non-deprecated
* name your resulting code
* some possibilities:
* a ball image can "bounce" off the edges of
a frame or applet and careen in a different
* some appropriate image travelling in a
parabola or interesting curve could work;
(a sun or moon arcing across the "sky" of
the applet or application?)
* two images could collide and change
direction as a result of their collision;
2. [20%] Now --- modify your to use double-buffering.
* name your resulting code
3. [50%] Write a Swing application using a JFrame that implements
a rudimentary survey facility.
* you must include your name somewhere within your
* name your resulting code
* you must provide some way for the user to indicate
the name of a file of survey questions to be asked.
* it could be as simple as a JTextArea with
filenames in the current working directory
listed and a JTextField to then enter in the
filename chosen (as in the in-class example);
* or, you can choose more sophisticated means
of permitting this choice.
* it is assumed that survey files are created
before your program is run, and that such files
consist of sets of questions, one question per
* you must *also* provide some way for each question
in the chosen file to be asked, and the answers then
recorded into a file of the *user's* choice.
* you need to ask the user into a file with
what name the answers should be recorded;
this can be done with a JTextField, or with a
more sophisticated component.
* then, it could be as simple as having a JLabel
or JTextField that gets filled in turn with each
question read from the file, and a JTextField into
which the user enters each answer in turn.
(Alternatively, you could allow all the answers to
appear in a JTextArea.)
* but, at some point or points, all of the
answers to the questions asked must be written
to the file chosen by the user.
* you may add additional features as desired, as long
as at least the above requirements are met.
* a relatively pleasing layout is expected.
Minimal style standards (to be added to, if necessary!)
* If you want to "paint" using Swing components,
use the guidelines as discussed in class and as demonstrated
in the in-class examples.
* If your program involves gif files, either include
them as attachments in a separate e-mail file with
"Subject: [program name] images", OR include them on a web
page using the tag: <img src="YOUR_IMAGE.gif">
and include the URL for this page in your opening comment
* The names of all required gifs, in either case,
must be included prominently and neatly in the opening
comment block, also.
* Java GUI applications must always include
System.exit(0), and must handle window closing gracefully;
* Run-time exceptions (such as, but not limited to,
NumberFormatExceptions) should be handled gracefully
by proper use of try-catch blocks.
* Any applet (AWT or Swing) must include in
its opening comment block its recommended size.
* every Java source file should begin with at least
a small block comment describing the purpose of what
is within, and including your name. If you are modifying
existing code (such as an in-class example), you should
indicate that, also.
* programs are expected to have at least a few
descriptive internal comments
* neat, consistent indenting is required.
* reasonably-descriptive and non-misleading variable
names are expected.
Then, send (at least) three e-mails to as follows:
* each Subject: line should be either:
* the name of Java source contained within that
e-mail message, OR
* the required name of the Java source that
would be contained there, if one program were not
being used for several parts, OR
* <required_java_source_name> images, if
it contains required image attachments.
* the *body* of the e-mail should contain either:
* the Java source (NOT included as an attachment!),
* the name of the Java source to be graded
for this part, also; OR,
* the image file(s), as attachments.
* please FIX the indenting in the Java source code
if it is ugly when placed in the e-mail body! (Source code
pasted from BlueJ sometimes requires such clean-up.)