Please send questions to .

CIS 480 - Spring 2001
HW #8
Due: Monday, May 6, 2001, beginning of lecture

Remember the class style standards at the end of this handout...

Note that you need to write 1 Java program for
this assignment. (You MUST send AT LEAST 1 e-mail, with the Subject:
line the name of your source code file.)

There is no "interesting" requirement, this time. Meet all of the
requirements listed, and you are eligible for full credit.

1. Write a Java servlet --- it MUST incorporate your name in it 
somewhere, and it must use at least one "variable" (such as
username in It needs to be somewhat different
from and!

IF you create an HTML file for calling your servlet, send me a copy of
that by e-mail, too.

FOR 10 BONUS POINTS: Have your servlet use JDBC to do something 
involving your table from HW #7.

Name your resulting code <yourUserName>

Minimal style standards (to be added to, if necessary!)
	*   If you want to "paint" using Swing components,
	use the guidelines as discussed in class and as demonstrated
	in the in-class examples.
	*   If your program involves gif files, either include
	them as attachments in a separate e-mail file with
	"Subject: [program name] images", OR include them on a web
	page using the tag:	<img src="YOUR_IMAGE.gif">
	and include the URL for this page in your opening comment
	        *   The names of all required gifs, in either case,
		must be included prominently and neatly in the opening
		comment block, also.  

        *   Java GUI applications must always include 
	System.exit(0), and must handle window closing gracefully;

	*   Run-time exceptions (such as, but not limited to,
	NumberFormatExceptions) should be handled gracefully
	by proper use of try-catch blocks.

	*   Any applet (AWT or Swing) must include in
	its opening comment block its recommended size.

	*   every Java source file should begin with at least
	a small block comment describing the purpose of what
	is within, and including your name. If you are modifying
	existing code (such as an in-class example), you should
	indicate that, also.

	*   programs are expected to have at least a few
	descriptive internal comments

	*   neat, consistent indenting is required.

	*   reasonably-descriptive and non-misleading variable
	names are expected.

Then, send (at least) one e-mail to as follows:
        *   each Subject: line should be either:
                *   the name of Java source contained within that 
	        e-mail message, OR 

	        *   the required name of the Java source that 
	        would be contained there, if one program were not 
	        being used for several parts, OR

	        *   <required_java_source_name> images, if
	        it contains required image attachments.

        *   the *body* of the e-mail should contain either:
	        *   the Java source (NOT included as an attachment!),

		*   the name of the Java source to be graded
		for this part, also; OR,

		*   the image file(s), as attachments.

        *   please FIX the indenting in the Java source code
        if it is ugly when placed in the e-mail body! (Source code
        pasted from BlueJ sometimes requires such clean-up.)