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CIS 480 - Advanced Java - Random notes, 4-2-01
* quick aside: from Morelli, "Java, Java, Java", p. 276:
* "Within a class definition, elements that are
declared *static* are called *class elements* ---
class methods or class variables --- and are associated
with the class itself, not with its instances. ....
They are referenced by qualifying their name with the
name of the class."
* "Within a class definition, any variables that
are declared *final* are ... constants. They must be
given an initial value, which cannot be changed by the
* "Constants are frequently declared *static* as well
as *final*, since then one copy of the constant can be
shared by all instances of the class."
* File I/O
* References:
[1] Chapter 8, "Input/Output", from Java Examples in a
Nutshell, FIRST EDITION, Flanagan, O'Reilly, 1997, pp. 152-184.
[much of this material is likely covered similarly in SECOND
edition, also, pp. 44-69]
* Java's package provides file i/o capabilities;
* a common class in this package: File
* Beware! It isn't the file, itself --- it represents
a file NAME;
* attempts to HIDE OS file naming details;
* (yes, this is very like some of C's i/o libraries;)
* also includes methods for dealing with files:
* deleting them
* creating directories
* listing direcrtories' contents
* asking about a file's size, modification time
* and more...
* note, however: File does NOT provide methods to
manipulate a file's *contents*;
* Java's I/O is *sequential* --- follows the *stream*
* (and, it sounds a lot like the C stream i/o
* (you can do random access file i/o using class
RandomAccessFile, but Flanagan notes that sequential/stream
i/o is "much more common" (p. 152, Java Examples in a Nutshell)
* so: how is sequential i/o handled with streams in Java,
via the package?
* [1], p. 153: "A stream is simply an object...
* ...from which data can be READ sequentially or
* data can be WRITTEN sequentially."
* ( includes 40 stream classes...!)
* example, adapted from [1]
* aside: a tidbit more regarding "static"
* we saw static used with data fields in CIS 235 ---
for a data field for which there was only one copy
for the entire class, no matter how many instances
* (used it in, for example, to have a
data field counting the number of widgets; that code's
now available on the 480 web page)
* did you notice that our main() methods include the
word "static", too? And so can other methods;
* a method defined without "static" is an *instance method* ---
* operates on the fields of an object --- of
a specific INSTANCE of that class;
* a static METHOD --- also called a class method ---
[1] "operate on the class itself, rather than on
an individual instance of a class"
* both delete() and main(), in, are static;
* some tidbits about class File, to start:
* note that one of File's constructors takes as argument
the name of the file in the form of a String (demo'd in
* some of class File's methods:
* exists()
arguments: none
returns: boolean
action: returns true if the file corresponding
to the filename represented by the File
instance exists, and false otherwise.
(demo'd in
* isFile()
arguments: none
returns: boolean
action: returns true if the file corresponding
to the filename represented by the File
instance is indeed a file (and not a
directory), false otherwise
(demo'd in
* canWrite()
arguments: none
returns: boolean
action: returns true if the file corresponding
to the filename represented by the File
instance is able to be written (is not
write-protected), false otherwise
(demo'd in
* canRead() - analogous to canWrite()
(demo'd in
* isDirectory()
arguments: none
returns: boolean
action: returns true if the file corresponding
to the filename represented by the File
instance is a directory file, false
(demo'd in
* list()
arguments: none
returns: an array of String's
action: The returned array of String's contains
all the names of files within the
directory file corresponding to the
filename represented by the File
(demo'd in
* delete()
arguments: none
returns: boolean
action: returns true if the file corresponding
to the filename represented by the
File instance was successfully
removed, false otherwise
(demo'd in
* warning: if you try to run deom BlueJ, guess where
System.err.println messages show up? in the DOS window associated
with BlueJ!
* NOTE though --- try it under DOS, on sorrel --- no problem!
* File IS hiding OS differences between Windows, UNIX...
* (please note demo of how to THROW an exception in,
* then uses the delete() method in ---
* I believe it is because delete() is a static method
that it is called using Delete.delete() (with the class name
itself before the method name)
* notice that you can get the name of the current
working directory!
String currentDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir");
* now --- that was FILE stuff, but not file I/O stuff;
* on to file I/O now!
* see
* there are 40 stream classes in! So, many options;
* binary files are processed by subclasses of
* text files are processed by subclasses of
* FileInputStream and FileOutputStream are used for binary
input and output on files;
* please note: you CAN use these on text files,
too, even though they tend to be byte-oriented;
indeed, we will in the example.
* but the Reader/Writer subclasses are more
*convenient* for text;
* and, there are buffered-version classes for these as well:
* when using buffers, do not forget to flush()!
* examples using File I/O: