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Random notes for CIS 480 - Advanced Java Programming, Week 15, 5-7-01
* a next series of servlet examples:
* (modified from Gittleman, "Internet Applications with the Java 2
Platform", pp. 159-195)
* quotes from this are indicated by [1] below;
* first: echoes back a user's order (as set in
an Order parameter)
* looks a lot like our examples from last time ---
a simple doGet() method, sees if an Order parameter
has been set, echoes back either the Order or
"nothing, please"
* (cute touch: even if Order not null, but is the
empty String when white space is trim()'d, it still echoes
back "nothing, please")
* how we ran last time:
* (note the "nothing, please")
* or, with an Order:
* simple twist #1: you may very well already know how to set up
a simple HTML form with a GET request. BUT, if you do not, that's
ANOTHER way to call this servlet:
* see st10GetOrder.html
* (yeah, yeah, I know, I don't need the st10 there...)
* I put it into ~st10/public_html/cis480j, and ran it
* here's the pertinent HTML:
<form action = "" method=GET>
Order: <input type=text name=Order size=20>
* simple twist #2: Let's ([1], pp. 166-167) "...allow the user to
submit an order either with a GET or POST request."
* see
* same doGet() method!
* doPost() here simply [1] "delegate[s] any POST requests
to the goGet() method":
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException
doGet(req, resp);
* why bother? from [1], p. 167:
one advantage: "browser does not include the data with
the POST request. Thus using POST instead of GET is essential
to keep the data sent private. Data sent with a GET request is
appended to the URL and displayed in the browser's address
* copy st10GetOrder.html to st10PostOrGetOrder.html --- and
change the servlet name (to st10PostOrGetOrder), and change
the method to POST;
* now, when you enter something into:
...note that you do NOT see ?Order in resulting URL;
* simple twist #3: allow a more-detailed order for an ice-cream
*, st10PostOrder.html
* note the HTML analogues to Java GUI components...
* a few odds and ends, to conclude
* SSI: server-side includes
* can specify files on server-side to include --- presumably
these could be large chunks of HTML...?
* JSP: Java server pages
* HTML with special <% %> tags --- they are on the
server-side, and are *compiled* into servlets
(notes from last lecture's posted notes, but not really discussed then...)
* from [6]: So, what is JSP and how does THAT fit in here?
* "JSP is a dynamic scripting capability for web pages that
allows Java as well as a few special tags to be embedded
into a web file (HTML/XML, etc).
* The suffix traditionally ends with .jsp to indicate to the
web server that the file is a JSP file.
* JSP is a server side technology - you can't do any client
side validation with it.
* JSP files actually get compiled into Servlets, so what is
the point? Why not just write Servlets?
* For most people, the benefit is twofold:
* The focus is on HTML.
* Java and the JSP extensions assist in making
the HTML more functional.
* Servlets on the other hand allow outputting
of HTML but it is a tedious process.
* It is easy to make a change and then let the
JSP capability of the Web Server you are
using deal with compiling it into a
Servlet and running it.
* I have read the opinion that JSP can replace server-side
includes (SSI's) --- IF your web server supports JSP...