Please send questions to .
* our second example of a Java application using a Frame;
* now we have some sensitive components.
* Note that we are now including multiple top-level classes
* within this file (only 1 is public, however), and we are
* using more inner classes (for additional event handling).
* by: Sharon M. Tuttle
* last modified: 2-5-01
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
// question: how come no "implements" clause? Because inner class is going to,
// instead;
public class GuiApplic2
public static void main(String args[])
// again, our application's main() method is setting up
// a frame --- but this time, it is an instance of
// a subclass of Frame defined below in this file!
GuiApplic2Frame mainFrame = new GuiApplic2Frame();
// if you do not set the title for a Frame in its
// constructor, you can still set it later using
// setTitle()
// I'll set up size and window-closing in class
// GuiApplic2Frame...
// hey! this is LEGAL? having more than one top-level class in
// a file? Yup; BUT note that only ONE class at the top level
// within a file can be declared as public --- and THAT is the
// one the file is named after;
// note that it extends Frame... it is a subclass of Frame.
class GuiApplic2Frame extends Frame
// these need to be visible to the inner classes AND to
// constructor GuiApplic2Frame()
private int count;
private Label countLabel;
private Button toggleButton, countButton;
private boolean nowGreen;
// needs a constructor! We call it in main(), after all;
public GuiApplic2Frame()
Label welcome, author, version;
// these will be instantiated as inner listener
// classes for the two buttons
ActionListener ctListener, toggListener;
// set up window-closing for the instance of this
// GuiApplic2Frame, again with an anonymous inner class
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
// note: the default layout manager for a Frame is
// BorderLayout! CHANGE it if you do not want that;
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
// these are simply labels, to start.
welcome = new Label("Welcome to a 2nd Application with a GUI");
author = new Label("Sharon M. Tuttle");
version = new Label("Version 1.2");
countButton = new Button("count clicks");
count = 0;
// instantiate ActionListener ctListener to be an
// instance of inner class CountListener, add
// ctListener as an action listener to countButton
ctListener = new CountListener();
countLabel = new Label("count clicks button pressed: 0 times");
nowGreen = true;
toggleButton = new Button("toggle color");
// instantiate ActionListener toggListener to be an
// instance of inner class ToggleListener, add
// toggListener as an action listener to toggleButton
toggListener = new ToggleListener();
// set the size for the instance of this GuiApplic2Frame
setSize(250, 200);
//pack(); // comment out setSize() call and uncomment this
// to see how method pack() sizes the frame
// based on the components within --- funky,
// in this case, with FlowLayout...!
} // end GuiApplic2Frame constructor
// notice that these classes are WITHIN class GuiApplic2Frame; that's
// what makes them *inner* classes
// notice that THESE have implements clause --- and actionPerformed();
// this special listener handles counting button
private class CountListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
// because this is within class GuiApplic2,
// it can "see" private data field count,
// object countLabel
countLabel.setText("count clicks button pressed: " +
count + " times");
// this special listener handles toggling the toggle
// button's background color
private class ToggleListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
// and this can see object toggleButton,
// data field nowGreen
if (nowGreen)
nowGreen = false;
nowGreen = true;