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* ThreadDemo3
* a third demo for Threads;
* this one modifies the old Spring 2000 CIS 235,
* making it avoid deprecated Thread methods.
* It uses an AWT Applet and the Runnable interface, also,
* but also adds a Stop button.
* RECOMMENDED SIZE: height 100, width 200 is fine.
* modified by: Sharon M. Tuttle
* last modified: 3-12-01
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ThreadDemo3 extends Applet implements Runnable, ActionListener
// threads to be started up within this applet
Thread myThread1, myThread2, myThread3;
Button stopThreads;
public void init()
Label describe = new Label("ThreadDemo3: Version 1.0");
stopThreads = new Button("Stop Threads");
// creates and starts up my threads --- is executed every time the
// user comes into the applet context after moving away?
public void start()
// for each of the 3 threads not yet started,
// start them up
if (myThread1 == null)
// ...start it up for this applet,
// naming this thread "My Thread #1"
myThread1 = new Thread(this, "My Thread #1");
if (myThread2 == null)
myThread2 = new Thread(this, "My Thread #2");
if (myThread3 == null)
myThread3 = new Thread(this, "My Thread #3");
// run() is called by the system after thread has been started
// by the system
public void run()
Thread executingThread;
String threadName = "";
// this will help me to determine the currently-
// executing thread, for display purposes;
executingThread = Thread.currentThread();
while ((myThread1 == executingThread)||
(myThread2 == executingThread)||
(myThread3 == executingThread))
System.out.println("This thread is: " +
// one second pause
catch(InterruptedException e)
// no action, but catch is required
// suspends execution when the user leaves the page
// (this is APPLET's stop method --- do not confuse
// this with deprecated Thread.stop() method...)
public void stop()
if (myThread1 != null)
// this is the preferred way to "stop" a
// thread... set it to null?
// (note that this *will* stop its
// while loop in run()!)
myThread1 = null;
if (myThread2 != null)
// release system resources for that thread
myThread2 = null;
if (myThread3 != null)
// release system resources for that thread
myThread3 = null;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Stop Threads"))
myThread1 = null;
myThread2 = null;
myThread3 = null;